How Disaster AI Can Save Lives and Aid Hurricane Relief and Prediction

Tampa, Florida — Hurricanes are a major concern for Florida residents and communities along the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and East Coast.

Experts told ABC Action News’ Michael Palska that artificial intelligence could save lives against natural disasters like hurricanes.

Imagine artificial intelligence-powered drones flying over disaster areas and artificial voice intelligence helping survivors and victims get help. These are real-world applications that some agencies are currently experimenting with in responding to some of the most devastating natural disasters on our planet.

“AI, like all technology, is just a tool.” Neil Sahota Said.

Sahota is the United Nations Advisor on Artificial Intelligence.

“There are two focuses, one on the recovery side. So if we can provide a faster system for people who need urgent and urgent help, how can we find them faster? Where are you going to deliver the food and other things, do you need it as soon as possible or do you deliver it in advance?” he said.

“The second is prediction. We don’t fully understand how hurricanes behave. It’s not just temperature, but ambient temperature, pressure, ocean currents, etc. So we’re putting together the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle based on all this data.”

Sahota said the goodness of AI depends on the data that humans input. Now, as the climate continues to change, we need more governments on board that believe in AI and are willing to invest.

ABC Action News has reached out to the Florida Emergency Management Agency and several large counties in the Tampa Bay area. No company is using disaster AI for hurricane relief, recovery and mitigation. Sahota describes it as a missed opportunity.

“If everyone puts their all into it, we’ll probably have something pretty solid in a few years. That’s the honest truth. Whether or not we put resources and money into it is another story,” Sahota said. “If we can at least get all the people united, we can extract resources from all the affected areas. Maybe we can move mountains. Actually it is possible. You just reach out to the whole, and that kind of ecosystem doesn’t exist in people.” Spirituality. ”

of united nations We are researching the benefits of AI against other natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and wildfires to name a few.

“There are currently 12 types of AI robots that are helping fight wildfires,” Sahota said. “A lot of research has been done to predict when these things will happen: hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, avalanches.”

AI is a powerful tool, but it also has limitations.

“AI relies on historical data. No, for you.” Reid Ghani, Professor of Machine Learning and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon UniversitySaid. “In other words, one of the challenges people have faced is that there is a lot of data that predicts things because something will happen, but how to respond, what worked and what didn’t work? doesn’t have enough data.” I’m not working. ”

As more government agencies come online, experts say AI will continue to adapt and ultimately keep more people safe.

“Will it save lives?” Palska asked.

“100%, it saved my life,” Sahota said. How Disaster AI Can Save Lives and Aid Hurricane Relief and Prediction

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