Sheriff Water asks city for 80 more police officers and $35 million in budget

jacksonville, florida – There could be 80 more police officers on the streets of Jacksonville soon.

That’s what Sheriff TK Waters is asking the new mayor and city council to fund next year.

Waters presented the budget to the current mayor’s staff, who would turn it over to the next mayor, Donna Deegan. The budget is expected to be submitted in July, shortly after Mr. Deegan takes office.

The city’s total budget this year could reach $1.7 billion or more, with the sheriff’s office making up a significant portion of it.

Waters is asking for nearly $600 million, about $35 million more than last year.

In his budget request, Mr. Waters calls for 80 new officials, 40 of whom will be funded by the federal government and 40 by local taxes.

“The highlight is the addition of police officers. rice field. “Most of the new police officers will go to street patrol.”

Waters said he originally wanted 200 police officers, but has decided to call for 80 with the new budget.

Residents of the West Side, which has seen a recent rise in crime, said on Thursday that more police could help, but many had no idea what would do.

News4JAX reached out to Deegan about the budget, but she did not yet want to comment.

At Deegan’s meeting, there were also several members of the transition team asking questions.

WJXT News4JAX Copyright 2023 – All rights reserved. Sheriff Water asks city for 80 more police officers and $35 million in budget

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