Tuesday, July 4 was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth.

jacksonville, florida – It was the hottest Fourth of July from southeastern Georgia to northeastern Florida, but it was also the warmest day in recorded history on Earth.

Estimated global temperatures rose to 62.9 degrees Fahrenheit, the warmest ever recorded.

So what does this mean? And could it get even warmer?

How to measure the temperature of the earth

A temperature of 62.9 degrees may not seem warm, but it is the average temperature for the entire planet.

This figure includes temperatures in the frigid polar regions, hot deserts, and all oceans.

Estimated northern hemisphere ground and water temperatures on July 5th.

As you can imagine, measuring global temperature in real time is difficult.

The University of Maine uses climate weather models to create near real-time data.

Is it really the warmest day on record?

Global temperatures on July 4th were the warmest on record.

A high-quality global dataset dates back to 1979, but other datasets suggest that global temperatures may not have been this hot since records were kept.

It is likely that the Earth has been warmer at some point throughout Earth’s history, but this is the warmest Earth temperature ever accurately recorded.

Could it get hotter?

In fact, July 4th was the warmest day on record globally, surpassing Monday July 3rd.

And global temperatures may continue to rise.

July is always the warmest month on earth because the northern hemisphere had more land than the southern hemisphere.

Earth’s temperatures are at their warmest during the northern hemisphere’s peak summer months because land can retain more heat than the oceans.

And there are only a few left in July.

Last year, the highest global temperature was recorded on July 24th, with a global temperature of 62.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

This tied the previous world temperature record set in late July 2016.

The warmest global temperature ever recorded by a university. of the main climate re-analyzer.

El Niño events are also occurring, often causing a slight increase in global temperatures.


The numbers used to create real-time global temperatures are considered preliminary.

Other computer models and more detailed investigations by climate scientists will be conducted over the next few weeks and months to confirm the data.

Regardless of what the end result will be, July is off to an incredibly warm start globally, and it could get even hotter on Earth in the coming weeks.

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https://www.news4jax.com/weather/2023/07/05/tuesday-july-4th-was-the-hottest-day-on-earth-in-recorded-history/ Tuesday, July 4 was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth.

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