Home Florida 8 Things To Know About Inpatient Rehab

8 Things To Know About Inpatient Rehab


Enrolling in inpatient drug rehab is a huge step into the recovery process. It’s a step that will likely change the course of your life forever. As far as the National Institute on Drug Abuse is concerned, individuals who participate and maintain drug addiction treatment cease using drugs, will improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning, and decreases their involvement in criminal activity.

Therefore, long-term drug rehab is probably the best solution to overcome addiction while changing how you view yourself and addiction.

If you’ve decided to enroll in a 90-day rehabilitation program, you can visit https://www.jacksonhouserehab.com/ to know more about the rehab program, rehab facilities, and what to expect while at an inpatient rehab. 

Here the things you should know about inpatient rehab include:

  1. Inpatient Rehab Recovery Program Involves Team Work

A recovery program in inpatient rehab isn’t a one-man thing; it involves a team that comprises highly-trained professionals who go the extra mile to ensure that you recover. The team will help you know how to live in the institution for 90 days and prepare you for the life awaiting you outside the rehab. It’s essential to understand that your addiction recovery procedure won’t be easy, but it might be the only solution to your problem.

Here are the member of the team who will help you towards your recovery:

  • Medical Director: a physician who will be coordinating your general treatment program and ensures the team performs at its best to help you recover. During your stay at inpatient rehab, you’ll have daily access to your physician.
  • Rehabilitation Nurses: they will ensure round-the-clock personal care. These nurses will also be there to answer any question you or your loved ones might have regarding your treatment.
  • Physical Therapists: they will teach you exercises to help improve your balance, mobility, and strength. 
  • Occupational Therapists: they will assist you to be more independent by introducing new techniques to perform daily life tasks.
  • Speech-Language Pathologists or Speech Therapists will be there to assess and treat your communication issues such as hearing and speaking. They will also help with your memory problems and problem-solving skills. 
  • Social Worker or a Case Manager: a part of the team who will help you find the required services and develop a treatment and recovery plan suitable for you while helping you have a safe transition outside of the rehab.
  1. Being In Rehab Isn’t A Walk In The Park

If you ask anyone who has been in rehab, they’ll tell you it isn’t easy. The 90-day rehab program requires hard work and determination. It’s important to note that changing a lifestyle, such as quitting alcohol and staying sober, isn’t easy. Fortunately, you’ll have unending support from professionals at the rehab. While in the facility, you’ll be required to attend 12-Step groups, show up for the group and individual counseling, complete assignments, and do many things you might not feel comfortable doing. However, it’d be best if you remembered that people in the facility, rehab professionals, and counselors will always walk by your side to ensure that you recover.

  1. Oversleeping Isn’t An Option

Sleeping for prolonged hours isn’t a part of the program. Therefore, it’s essential to know that, in inpatient rehab, expect to wake up early to have your nutritious breakfast before starting your routine. For instance, some programs consist of morning activities such as yoga or meditation to help you start your day on the right note; hence you need to wake up early for such activities.

Additionally, part of the recovery process includes developing healthy habits such as waking up early that the patient should adopt after recovery.

  1. While Inpatient Rehab Effectively Treat Addiction, It Isn’t A Magic Cure

Addiction is a chronic recurring brain disorder that can’t be cured with a single stay in rehab. Nevertheless, addiction is preventable and curable. Alcohol and drug rehab offers behavioral therapy, life skills and tools, peer support, and a 12-Step work to assist addicts address issues caused by addiction and learn how to manage them without relapse. It’s therefore essential to understand that one should try their best to address their addiction and do anything possible to remain sober even after rehabilitation.

  1. Inpatient Rehab Requires You To Complete The Full 90 Days

Though 90 days seem like forever, research reveals that a long-term addiction treatment that lasts for at least 90 days offers an adequate period for addicts to recover and maintain lasting results. During the 90-day rehabilitation period, patients internalize the 12-Steps, work through personal issues, and heal broken relationships with friends and family. Remember that these things require time and hard work, therefore it’s crucial to stick throughout the program.

  1. Rehab Requires Honesty

Deciding to enroll in a 90-day rehab program is a new beginning that comes with new, healthy behaviors. That said, you need to be completely honest to your peers, counselors, family, and most importantly, yourself during your recovery. Being truthful while at inpatient rehab will help you open a new chapter towards personal growth and develop a healthy lifestyle even after healing.

8 Things To Know About Inpatient Rehab
Young woman in a mental therapy session talking with a psychologist in the office.
  1. Treatment Continues After Rehab

Mostly, the family of the addicted person suppose a period in rehab will provide a lifetime solution for their kin. While inpatient rehab has been proved to be the most effective way to help overcome addiction, it’s not a magic cure. Patients recovering from addiction must continue with ongoing treatment such as sober living programs while continuing the 12-Step program outside the rehab.

  1. Inpatient Rehab Might Change Your Life Forever

After completing your 90 days in rehab, you’re less likely to be the same person you were before rehabilitation. You’ll come out of the facility with a clear and focused mind that isn’t clouded by the effects of substances. Also, you’ll come out of rehab equipped with skills and knowledge that will help you lead a sober life.

However, even after leaving the facility, you’ll have to continue repairing damaged relationships and establishing new ones while maintaining sobriety.


Deciding to enroll in inpatient rehab is a bold decision. However, completing your stay at the facility is what counts. Inpatient rehab requires lots of work that includes waking up early and cooperating with your treatment team to become sober once more. Luckily, with the above knowledge about inpatient rehab, you have a glimpse of what it entails and what to expect for a more effortless stay in the facility.