Home Lifestyle Best Sites to Buy Provigil Online 2022

Best Sites to Buy Provigil Online 2022


Featured as the inspiration for fictional drug NZ-T in the movie Limitless, Provigil has since exploded in popularity. Users love Provigil for its ability to improve planning and decision making, increased learning and memory, a massive boost in creativity, and much more.

We have reviewed all of the most popular Provigil vendors mentioned online and created a list of the most trusted, reliable, and affordable vendors to help buyers find the best place to buy Provigil online.

Best Sites to Buy Provigil Online 2022

Most Popular Provigil Vendors

Only until recently has anyone been able to buy Provigil online. In most countries Provigil is a prescription drug and requires a valid doctor’s prescription and so always be sure to make sure that it is legal to ship Provigil to your location.

Top three vendors.

● ModafinilXL.com
● Buymodafinilonline.com
● Sharkmood.com

Best Online Provigil Vendor

#1 – ModafinilXL.com

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If you are looking for an online pharmacy that sells all the popular generic modafinil brands that you are going to want to give ModfinlXL a try. They sell only high quality modafinil as well as many other smart drugs and generic medications. Weather you are looking for modafinil as a cognitive enhancer or maybe you want to treat narcolepsy, sleep disorders, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd ModafinlXL is going to be a great place to stop. They offer free modafinil samples with every order. Free shipping on orders large enough.

Highlights include

– Ships to anywhere in the world.

– See “freebees” to get extra free Armodafinil and Modafinil with every order.

– Delivery guaranteed by refund.

– Pay with Bitcoin and get an additional 20% off.

#2 – Buymodafinilonline.com

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Another great place to buy modafinil online safely and securely. One of the oldest online modafinil vendors, they are extremely credible with 5/5 stars on Trustpilot and excellent Reddit review with many claiming this to be the smoothest place for buying modafinil online.

Highlights include

– Accepts debit or credit.

– 20 free sample tablets sent with every order.

– Special 23% discount for all customers when using bitcoin as the payment method.

#3 – SharkMood

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A very popular Provogil vendor that is extremely credible. You can purchase modafinil pills here without a modafinil prescription. Many claim this is one of the smoothest places to buy modafinil online and will be far easier than if you were to buy from a local pharmacy.

In many countries modafinil remains a prescription medication and purchasing modafinil online is illegal without a valid prescription.

Highlights include

– Great price

– Worldwide shipping

– Delivery Guaranteed

A History of Provigil

First created in 1974 by the French neurophysiologist Michel Jouvet, Provigil was initially regarded as a sedative because the mice it was originally tested on were so quiet and did not move much after receiving their first dose. It wasn’t until about 10 years later that it was tested on a cat who stayed up for an entire night at which point a series of basic tests were done to more accurately define the pharmacological profile of Modafinil.

What is Provigil?

Provigil has been prescribed in France ever since 1994 under the name “Modiodal” and has been used in the US ever since 1998. Provigil is an oral wake-advancing specialist, first endorsed in December 1998 for the treatment of excessive sleepiness and other sleeping disorders. Provigil is a one-of-a-kind wake-advancing prescription drug and has gained in popularity steadily ever since it was first prescribed. Now used by the military, students, athletes, truck drivers, entrepreneurs and many more!

Provigil served as the inspiration for the fictional drug “NZT” featured in the movie Limitless starring Bradly Cooper. After taking NZT Bradly Cooper experiences much higher rates of creativity and motivation and is able to change his life from unmotivated writer to successful economist and politician. Provigil is often called “the real limitless pill” because of its off label use as a nootropic drug and is put in the same category as other smart drugs.

First being endorsed in the US by the Food and Drug Administration in 1998 for Excessive sleepiness for treatment with narcolepsy. Provigil is promoted in the United States by a company known as Cephalon who initially rented the rights from the French company Lafon, however in the end bought the entire organization in 2001. In 2007 Provigil sales made up 1/3rd of Cephalon’s total profit topping 600 million with about 90% of use expected to be off label.

Modafinil Side Effects

There are some side effects to Provigil that any user should be aware of. Always be sure to consult a doctor before taking Provigil. The main side effects are irritability, anxiety, quickened heart rate, hypertension, and disturbances of nocturnal sleep. A typical symptom of the medication is migraine, normally identified with portion size, which happens in up to 5 percent of patients. It was the world’s “first safe smart drug”. Researchers of Harvard and Oxford universities who suggested its effects were low risk when taken temporarily, but side effects can include insomnia, headaches and potentially dangerous skin rashes.

There has never been a death attributed to Provigil or modafinil overdose but if you ever think that you might be in trouble then seek medical attention immediately.

Provigil is manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies. Modafinil, Alertec, Modavigil, Modalert, Modiodal, Modafinilo, Carim, Vigia. All are brands of Provigil. The side effects are usually minimal but still, it should be taken only on advice from a registered medical practitioner.

Modafinil is an analeptic drug, approved for the treatment of narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and other sleeping disorders. It is used primarily to promote wakefulness, but it has gained increasing popularity as a cognition-enhancing agent in patients as well as casual users.

The mechanism of action for Provigil is complex, involving multiple neurotransmitter systems. The effects of modafinil on learning are positive in adderall-dependent individuals, as compared with healthy adults who do not abuse adderall.

Provigil Vs Adderall

Provigil is a much more mild stimulant than Adderall, and its mild stimulant properties allow for using it in varied situations to address lethargy and sleepiness without the potential for inducing anxiety, jitteriness, irritability, or agitation. Adderall is a more powerful amphetamine stimulant and its use must be tempered

Provigil Overdose

There has never been a death attributed to Provigil consumption and the future likelihood of overdose is extremely low. The most Provigil ever ingested on record was over 1,000mg. This is 5x the recommended one time dosage and would certainly cause intense discomfort. When unsure, always consult a medical professional or your local poison control center. Symptoms of too much modafinil consumption include.

  • Chest pains
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure
  • Trouble breathing
  • Increased heart rate

Provigil Addiction

For the majority of people, taking Provigil will not lead to any sort of addiction. It is possible to develop a psychological dependence to Provigil similar to how one would develop a psychological dependence to coffee. Some people claim that they cannot function properly without it. The molecules in Provigil do not share any similarities with physically addictive substances and so physical addiction is extremely unlikely. If taken consistently and in high quantities then you can build up a small tolerance but for normal users this is not a factor.

Provigil Regulation and Legality

In the United States, Modafinil is a schedule IV drug and is illegal to consume without a prescription. The import of Provigil is illegal for everyone that is not a DEA-registered importer. No one in a western country has ever been prosecuted for the illegal possession of modafinil.

Provigil and the Military

Militaries all over the world have used different types of amphetamines for specific endurance missions and to improve performance in other high intensity situations ever since World War II. As of 2012 the US air force switched to Provigil as the only “go pill” approved from these same types of long performance missions. They no longer use amphetamines and now only use Provigil because of the lesser side effects but still the extended wakefulness promoting properties calling it a “super drug”.

Provigil with Students and Athletes

For students, the trend has been the same as in the military and it is now prized over amthamines for the all-night study sessions so many college students engage in. For gym enthusiasts Provigil is used to increase motivation and length of training. It is banned in most body building competitions but its use has steadily increased in non-professional athletes where now, there seems to be some sort of sleep disorder pandemic taking place in professional athletes which is almost certainly explained as an excuse to get a prescription for Modafinil.

In 2003 a sprinter Kelli White was stripped of two of her medals for testing positive for Provigil. At the time, Provigil was not specifically banned but the board claimed that it fell under the umbrella phrase of “related substances” for stimulants. Thereafter it has been prohibited from all major sports.

The guideline of Provigil as a doping specialist has been disputable in the sporting world with prominent cases drawing in press inclusion since a few unmistakable American competitors have tested positive for the substance. A few competitors who were found to have utilized Provigil claimed that the medication was not on the precluded list at the hour of their offenses. In any case, the World Anti-Doping Agency keeps up that it was identified with effectively prohibited substances. The Agency added Provigil to its rundown of precluded substances on August 3, 2004, ten days before the beginning of the 2004 Summer Olympics.


Provigil has become a first class wake-promoting medication and a useful therapeutic alternative to psychostimulant medications for treating excessive daytime sleepiness. More and more people are turning to Modafinil to get an advantage for a wide range of tasks. Check out other review sources of Modafinil and others here.