Norman McLaren has once said- “Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.”
If what Mr. Norman has said is true, then Jinsup kim is probably one of the finest artists there is in the field of animation and design. Jinsup kim began pursuing Visual arts in 2016 when he moved to United states and entered the ‘school of visual arts (SVA)’. He grabbed onto whatever opportunities came his way during his schooling, finally he was rewarded for his efforts when his work was recognized by ‘Adobe and summit international awards (SIA)’. His works were screened at the final show at SVA theatre.
Jinsup then went on to join Havans in 2018, an award-winning studio. He worked as a designer and animator for the studio and largely contributed to the development and implementation of flexible modern content work for TD Ameritrade, Adidas, and Barnes & Noble.
Jinsup later joined Paramount (previously Viacom) in 2019, there he delved deeper into the art of motion graphics and delivered premium content to audience across various platforms worldwide.
This designer is currently serving as a designer and animator at Thornberg & Forester, which is a creative agency and a digital production company based in New York city. T& F has won various awards at the Type directors club, The Addy Awards, The Art Directors Club, Promax, Promax BDA, 3×3, Print, The telly awards, IA-IP Intenationsl Motion arts, and The Communicator Awards. Jinsup Kim has assumed responsibility for the inner working of many of the projects.
It might surprise many to know that Jinsup has begun his professional career when he started designing and editing promotional videos with fashion brands for broadcast in Seoul, South Korea. Our ambitious designer also has intentions of pursuing research in the field of design and explore various story-telling methods to find the fundamentals of design.
So, all we can do is wait and see how far he can go along this dream road of his and what rewards he might obtain along the way.