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The nursing profession is one of the most in-demand professions in the United States today. Qualified nurses are never out of work, can expect a decent salary, more jobs, and career advancement. This is why a nursing education in America is perfect if you want to stay in the U.S. and work in the medical sector after graduation.

Compared to higher medical qualifications, studying nursing takes less time and usually costs less. This way, you will qualify faster and be able to start working.

Nursing Qualifications in the United States

There are several major nursing qualifications in America. The curriculum and preparation for employment depend on which qualifications you want to obtain.

Here are the main ones:

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).

Responsibilities: Certified nursing assistants help patients with daily tasks such as bathing and feeding. They also answer patients’ calls, clean rooms, gather patient information, and report problems to senior nurses

Degree required: highest certificate or diploma

Average pay: $30,720

Suitable for: Those who want to get to work as soon as possible, gain valuable professional experience, and deal directly with patients

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

Duties: licensed practical nurses work under the supervision of registered nurses and perform basic daily functions such as caring for patients, changing dressings, etc. In several U.S. states, LPN responsibilities also include giving and administering medications and drugs to patients

Degreerequired: certificateordiploma

Average pay: $48,500

Suitable for: Those who want to get a degree quickly and get to work with career advancement opportunities

Registered Nurse (RN)

Duties: registered nurses coordinate patient care, dispense medications, assist physicians with exams and surgeries, and manage the work of other nurses. While it’s possible to become an RN with a lower academic degree, most hospitals in the United States today prefer to hire nurses with a full college degree, especially when it comes to acute care

Degree required: associate’s or bachelor’s degree

Average salary: $77,460

Suitable for: those interested in serious medical work, diverse professional experience, potential career advancement and opportunities for further education

Stable job and constant demand

Nurses will always be in high demand. The need for nurses has increased rapidly in the past decades because a big part of the population started aging and suffering from chronic diseases. While considering nursing as a job opportunity, you need to analyze the situation in your area. This will be crucial to create a good resume with a 1 resume writing service. Find out what specialties are most demanded and how much employers offer. This way, you can ask for a competitive salary and favorable job conditions.

Traveling opportunities

Exchanging innovations and experience with foreign specialists are an integral part of the healthcare sector in any country. Apart from regular responsibilities, nurses are often involved in international campaigns.

Thus, if you are proficient in foreign languages, you need to include them in your resume. This will open new horizons for traveling and new experiences. To make your resume even more impressive, you can turn to specialized resume consulting services.

If you are interested in moving to another area, you need to find a special agency and sign a contract with them. Usually, it lasts 12-15 weeks and targets the area nearby or on another continent. Many employers offer perks and compensations for nurses according to the contract. You can even apply for a stipend for traveling. To convince your potential employers, you are a suitable candidate for such a program, you need to pay attention to resume writing and editing. A well-organized and powerful resume has a positive impact and improves your image.

How to write a CAN cover letter

The main purpose of a cover letter is to attract the attention to your resume, to inspire people to get to know you. If the recruiter is interested, he will look at your profile. And that’s the first step to getting a job.

Normally, there are three types of cover letters:

  1. A standard cover letter. The so-called letter of application. It is written in response to a specific job posting the company has made on job search sites or somewhere in the media.

– If you send a resume by e-mail, you should write an accompanying letter in the body of the letter.

  1. Recommendation letter. The recommendation of an employee or partner of the company gives the searcher a significant advantage.

– If you are applying on the advice of an acquaintance who works for this company, you should indicate this right after the greeting and introduction.

– The HR specialist will get hooked on the name in the letter, so he will consider the resume carefully. And if your acquaintance also contacted the recruiter in advance and vouched for you as a good specialist, then the chances of getting one multiplied.

  1. A letter “for luck”. It also happens that the company is not looking for new employees, but you would really like to work there.

The principles of writing a CNA cover letter 

To begin with let’s understand what a cover letter should be. There are a few rules that you should follow when writing a cover letter.

– Don’t write too much. Two to three paragraphs of text is ideal.

Its purpose is to show what kind of job you are applying for and why you think you can apply for it at all.

The recruiter should read it in 10-15 seconds. He won’t spend more time on it.

– Use a predominantly business style, and be careful with humor.

A cover letter is an attempt to stand out from other resumes. But be careful with the humor and out-of-the-box approach. Not all recruiters like this; many of them are bound by rigid standards and may not take a joke. You should not use clerical stamps.

For example:I am writing to apply for the position of a nursing assistant.

If you know the recruiter personally, it’s fine to start your cover letter in a loose and conversational style.

For example, this way: Hi, Jane! Are you looking for a nursing assistant? Here I am.

Hi, Jane! Are you looking for a designer? Here I am.

A cover letter should tell why you are interested in the job and why the company would benefit from hiring you.

– Make sure there are no grammatical errors in your letter.

Cover letters are often written in a hurry, so they can include typos, unnecessary commas, bad timing and more. And this instantly lowers the searcher’s rating in the eyes of the recruiter.

After all, if a professional has made a couple of typos in the text for two paragraphs, it is quite possible that he is just as negligent in the performance of his job duties. Proofread the letter several times. There is no need to rush, because the cover letter is the first impression of you.

Greeting and introduction 

“Dear Sir / Madam” are a thing of the past. There is no need to maintain that level of formality. But many people use them because “it’s the custom.”

Our experience tells us that better addresses are the usual “Hi” or “Hello.”

“Hi, Mr. Jackson.”

And it is highly advisable to find the last name of the recruiter to whom you are going to write. A letter addressed personally will have a better chance of success than writing to someone else, because it will clearly demonstrate your level of interest.

To sum up, to be hired as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), you must have at least a high school diploma, or a score on the General Education Test (GED), and some form of nursing training. Also, you will need a well written resume. These can be taken at many institutions, such as online schools, community schools, vocational technical colleges, etc. Students are then required to take an exam in order to receive a certificate.


Amanda Lancaster is a PR manager who works with 1resumewritingservice. She is also known as a content creator. Amanda has been providing resume writing services since 2014.
