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Promising Crypto Projects You Should Definitely Follow to in 2022

Many people put much interest in cryptocurrency. It is very perspective due to its repaid development and a lack of centralized control. In fact, most platforms stick to full decentralization from banks, and it helps to earn heaps of money. The fifth task for the newbies is to define the most profitable and promising crypto funds to invest in wisely.

If you are interested in crypto trades, you should visit Chainbroker. It is a reliable platform, which provides all its clients and visitors with relevant updates about the best crypto trends at the moment. The analysis is carried out daily to provide you with fresh news from the industry. As for now, we will highlight 5 great crypto projects, which can be also found on that platform. They are pretty promising and may increase your income in 2022.

Himo World

We will start our informative review with Himo World. This is a picturesque game with various kinds of battles and challenges. You may exchange units, buy upgrades, and so on. Act wisely and fast to conquer and thus earn tokens. The game is free of gatekeepers.

Its major dividends and possibilities are:

  • Collaboration with multiple crypto platforms;
  • Private sale;
  • Multiple stunning contests;
  • Unique and swift interface;
  • The possibility to try PVE and PVP battles;
  • High staking;
  • Full decentralization;
  • Enhanced customization;
  • Varied partnerships.


Next comes a reliable crypto project called Diabolo. Do not mess it up with the famous video game Diablo. They are two quite different options. This one is a crypto platform, which provides its clients with multiple options to enjoy success. It has a strong team of experts who regularly surf the market to define the latest trends and changes. Thus, its clients are always up-to-date to select the best traders and platforms. Its main advantages are:

  • Updated news and analyses of the market;
  • Frequent upgrades;
  • A possibility to learn from the best crypto experts;
  • Low risk for all trading operations;
  • A possibility to get in touch with traders directly;
  • A rich choice of credible traders;
  • Profitable staking and high scalability.

Nunu Spirits

The third suggestion is called Nunu Spirits. It is a very interesting game about our environment and nature that must be saved from pollution. You are to reduce the amounts of CO2 in the air. Funny and nice creatures will help you to reach that goal. The game provides the next advantages:

  • High staking;
  • High scalability;
  • Complete decentralization;
  • Complete customization;
  • The use of NNT and ETH tokens;
  • Regular updates;
  • Beneficial return rates.

Hubble Protocol

Another crypto project to consider is known as Hubble Protocol. It takes care of its clients and minimizes all possible risks. Its advanced experts study the market regularly and provide updates daily. Thus, you will be able to define what bands are worth your attention. The main dividends offered by this project are:

  • Advanced customization;
  • Trustworthy brands for investment;
  • No centralized control;
  • High and fair fees (entry and return);
  • No hidden fees;
  • Backed up by reliable partners;
  • Borrowing tokens at 0.5% fee;
  • Equal chances for everybody.


The last suggestion in our review among promising crypto projects for 2022 is GemUni. This crypto platform offers a really rich choice of all sorts of games that will surely satisfy all gamers. They are based on the play-to-earn principle. You should play to win and thus earn tokens. Its major benefits are:

  • Various kinds of games to play and earn;
  • Multiple options for partnerships;
  • The use of launchpad technology;
  • Fully decentralized;
  • Many chances to win money;
  • 100% customization;
  • High return rates;
  • Low entry rates;
  • No hidden fees.

Summing Up

We have highlighted 5 amazing crypto projects for all people, who are interested in this direction of the business. Each project has certain differences and peculiarities, which must be taken into account. Check all the benefits to be sure the certain trend suits your goals. Thus, you will quickly enjoy success and will increase your income for many a time!


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