Home Business The Best Portable Gauges To Check Tire Pressure

The Best Portable Gauges To Check Tire Pressure


Checking the tire pressure is essential when checking the car before leaving on a trip and it is also essential to do it periodically. Every two weeks can be an adequate reference, even if long distances are not going to be undertaken.

The portable meters of this indicator are, in this context, a most practical accessory to know the state of the tires at any time.

Of those selected here, the digital model 009526 of the leading brand Michelin occupies the lead due to its small size, its excellent viewfinder despite this and a fairly affordable price.

Speed and simplicity are the descriptors that best define this type of pressure gauge. It must be clarified that manometers are used to measure the pressure of gasses or fluids in closed containers. They have the ability to differentiate between the actual pressure of the container and atmospheric pressure.

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What is it and what is it for

A measurement tool, not inflated, designed to quantify the amount of air inside the tires measured in bars (a unit of pressure that is one of the most common, but not the only one).

The use of the manometer has multiplied its utilities over the years. Before it was used for scientific work and now it can be used to measure the pressure in tanks, filters or, of course, tires.

How does it work

The basic operating principle of the manometer is based on the Bourdon tube (French engineer who invented the pressure measurement system).

In short, Bourdon springs consist of arched tubes with an oval section. As pressure is applied to the inside of the tube it tends to straighten out.

The path of the movement is transmitted to a mechanism and is the measurement of pressure that is indicated by a needle or LCD screen in the most modern ones.

Compact and bifunctional: Michelin 009526

 The leading model has in its size one of the main assets that also rises whole because, despite being compact and small, it is mostly occupied by an LCD screen where the measurements can be seen very well.

In addition, it adds another very useful function such as calibrating the depth of the tire groove in millimeters in order to know what its level of wear is.

Its use could not be easier in both tasks since, to measure pressure, it is enough to adjust the mouth to the valve and press. If it is not achieved at first, it is about insisting until you take the position.

In the event of wear, a small rod located on the side is unfolded, placed in the groove of the tire and pressed down.

No problem as the dipstick retracts to the point where the gauge contacts the tire. The measurement is made in millimeters at the moment and it is convenient to take three or four samples in different areas of the wheel.

One of its most outstanding qualities is the precision in the measurement with a pressure range that goes from 0.35 to 7 bars (it also measures in PSI or pounds per square inch or kg/cm2 among others). The fork it offers is more than enough for conventional rubbers.

Hybrid design: Anykuu

 A hybrid by design between the classic needle and the digital. As we have pointed out, in digital ones the screen is usually integrated into the body of the meter. This is not the case since this is the same as if it were a needle, but with a digital viewfinder.

Fully prepared to add the air compressor as a complement, since it would be enough to adjust it to the nozzle that it has in the lower part of the handle.

In terms of materials, the structure is made of cast aluminum alloy with a change of metal, in this case brass, for the chuck (metal piece on which the nozzle is fixed).

It has a variety of four different units of measurement, but, above all, this variety is most notable in the number of accessories that it comes with as standard, and all of this for a very affordable price.

Among them up to four valve covers, extensions or a specific tool to facilitate part changes.

Classic version: Baymax BX106FM

 Classic needle that is very comfortable to see thanks to the extension provided by its 40 cm rubber tube.

More than easy to use and without being aware of any load for the viewer. Just insert the end into the valve, glue the ear to check for air leaks, secure with the tab, and see what the pressure is.

Of quality, good finishes and a very affordable price for the precision and ease that it entails when checking the pressure of the tires.

The objection often has more to do with skill than with the product, since, just as happens when we inflate tires at gas stations, it is sometimes not easy to correctly insert the nozzle into the valve.

Small and ergonomic: Goodyear GOD0001

 Another of the best-known brands in the tire sector offers this highly useful meter thanks, mainly, to its ergonomic design that facilitates access to the valve and a firm grip.

The screen integrated into the body of the device offers a correct reading for a very economical price. The option with tube and round screen is also distributed, classic design, but with digital technology.

Small, very easy to use, reliable in measurement and cheap would be the descriptors for this device which, like the rest of the digital devices, has the drawback that it depends on a battery, although its duration is remarkable.

Optimal value for money: Neoteck

 A little more expensive, but with an excellent price ratio for its features and design. A digital manometer is prepared to also be a tire inflator since it is prepared for connection to a compressor.

Good manufacturing materials in resistant plastic and metals such as the zinc of the handle and a nozzle with a lock to secure it well to the valve once it has been correctly crimped.

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