Home Health Ultimate Pre-rolled Cones For the Dry Herbs

Ultimate Pre-rolled Cones For the Dry Herbs


Looking to smoke a blunt but not sure how to roll? Rolling can be a difficult process for beginner cannabis users. Blunt Cones are a natural, safe way to smoke cannabis without the hassle of having to roll it yourself. The explosion of these has been on the rise, and inexperienced users love their ease. Blunt cones are simply a pre rolled leaf or paper in the shape of a cone. Perfect for people looking to avoid any other chemicals or toxins in their rolling papers as well. Plus, they have a filter at the mouthpiece for cleaner smoking.

Blunts are loved by the cannabis community for their ease, long-lasting highs and easy to no clean up. Blunt cones are also 100% legal and safe. Blunt cones can come in many sizes and flavors. These are often based around the needs and preferences of the smoker. While there are a ton of rolling papers and blunt cones out on the market, it’s important to make sure they are of quality. There is nothing more frustrating than a blunt that falls apart, wastes product too quickly, or has a bad flavor. One of the best blunt cones on the market made out of all natural Corida leaf is made by King Palm.

King Palm All Natural Palm Leaves

King Palm is one of the world’s most renowned brands for all things blunt cones and wraps. Founded in 2016, they pride themselves on creating the most organic and clean wraps and cones on the market. Many blunt wraps leave behind tobacco toxins and other chemicals. King Palm created these wraps for smokers looking to avoid this and get a more pure cannabis blunt experience.They are environmentally friendly and run an extremely sustainable process of resourcing.

People have been smoking from all natural leaf wraps since the 14th century. Their goal has been to bring this ancient practice back to life. All their cones are hand rolled and crafted for durability. Not only does King Palm offer pre-rolled cones but they also offer leaf papers, filters, and more. Get these in various sizes ranging from 0.5 grams to XXL, which is 5 grams. They have over 30 flavors to choose from and are beloved by famous cannabis heads from Joe Rogan to Swae Lee and even Snoop Dogg. Despite all this, they still keep a humble price. It is no wonder King Palm won World’s Best Weed Cones 2021 in the Marijunana Times.

Flavored Filter Tips For Joints And Blunts

One of the funnest parts about shopping for cannabis blunt wraps on King Palm is going through their spread of flavors. There is something for every consumer’s palette. With many users reporting the love for fruity and aromatic flavored blunts. Flavored cones have recently exploded on the market and King Palm is no short on options. From famous flavors like Banana Cream, Ace Of Grapes and Berry Terps. To more over the top flavors such as Margarita, Peach Tree and Mango Tango. Check out their site to see many more including their newest flavor released for the fall 2021 season, Pumpkin Cream.

Terpene Infused Corn Husk Filters

King Palm is known for their innovative corn husk filters that lead for a slower burn and cleaner inhale. For people looking to roll their own joints or blunt wraps. These infused terpene tips are the perfect addition and come in three sizes. 7mm, 9mm, and 10 mm. They come as natural or four different flavors, Banana Cream, Magic Mint, Mango OG and Berry Terps. They will also probably continue to release more flavors. For best use, King Palm recommends squeezing the filter until it makes a popping sound and the aroma of the terpenes are released. They offer packs of all different sizes so it’s easy to mix and match.

Terpenes are a compound found in many plants and are what gives them their smell. Many people know terepes through cannabis which can get you high. Although, there are many terepened that are used for flavoring and scent. They can even be found in some foods. All the terpenes used in King Palm’s filters are non-psychoactive and are simply used for an aromatic effect.

Making Your Own Rolling Cones With King Palm Filters

For the blunt veterans of the smoke world, or just people looking to learn to roll themselves, King Palm offers all the necessary pieces for rolling the perfect cone. Using their palm wraps, corn husk filter tips and loading sticks that come in the pack, it is actually pretty easy to roll a cone. With no glue or additives the palm leaf wraps naturally come as a hardened leaf wrap. The smoker can then pack their herb into this wrap. Using the packing to stick to push the cannabis down as it is loaded. It is important to make sure that cones are packed pretty tightly in order to avoid any issues during the smoke process. Consumers can then add one of King Palms portable tips to the end for added flavor, easier burning and a less harsh inhalation with their cannabis.

Cordia Leaf Vs Hemp Cones

One of the stand alone features that gives King Palm its name to fame is their cordia leaf natural properties. As more people are seeing the benefits in cordia leaf as a cone rather than standard rolling papers. This is becoming a true alternative smoke experience. The cordia leaf is made with all organic properties. It is a dark green color and delivers a heavy earthy taste due to the plant’s chlorophyll. Although this does not take over from any of the cannabis aromas and users report it actually enhancing their smoke. Their leaves contain no additives, zero glue and are perfect for slow burning. This leads to a longer and more authentic smoke session.