
Check Before It Costs You Thousands Of Dollars How To Stop Washing Scams » Wiki Useful 7 On Your Side

New York (WABC) — bank fraud that tends to be called laundry check Scammers start by stealing checks from the mail, using chemicals to “wash out” the ink, fill in your name and cash them, then wipe out your bank account.

7 On Your Side’s Nina Pineda fought fraud and contacted one of the country’s biggest banks to get her money back.

Carol Perlman is the generation that balances checkbooks and writes all bills on paper checks. On November 17th, she wrote a check to pay off her AmEx balance and mailed it from the Upper East Side Building, but by the time it was cashed, it had cost her more than 13 times the amount she had written. became. A complete stranger.

The original amount was $656, but it was converted to $9,000.

Across the park on the Upper West Side, freelance TV producer Matt Schick is primarily Gen Z banking online.

The newlyweds, who had remodeled their new apartment with their wives, wrote a check to one of their contractors and mailed it from a mailbox on the street just off the WABC Studios.

“I live across the street from ABC and I put it in the mailbox. Two days later it was cashed. This seemed strange,” Schick said.

It was cashed, but not by his electrician. Her name was removed and changed to Jennifer, who got her $7,500 from a joint account.

“I will never mail a check again after this experience,” Schick said.

Both reported the fraud to their bank immediately after spotting it.

When Carol first contacted Citizens Bank, she was told no problem. She said her money was refunded, but she didn’t believe her check had been tampered with afterwards.

Matt was playing ping pong between his bank, Chase, and Bank of America, where he cashed a forged check.

“It’s been 130 days since I reported it to Chase and they haven’t done anything about it,” Chic said.

They both had another thing in common. Helped a veteran recover $7,000 After his checks were stolen, laundered and forged.

We started working with all banks. The citizen returned Carroll his $9,000 within days.

Matt’s case took weeks to resolve, but both banks apologized and got his $7,500 back.

Some important points are using the right pen. Permanent black gel pens soak into the fibers of your checks, making them difficult to wash.

Mail it to the post office if possible. Avoid using stand-alone boxes as fraudsters can hoist your checks.

And check your check. Make sure your check is cleared online and take extra steps to click on the image of the check to make sure it wasn’t forged.

and if you are a victim report immediately to USPS.

Also read | 7 On Your Side details how to avoid the top 7 tax-related scams.


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https://abc7ny.com/check-washing-fraud-scam-money/12925374/ Check Before It Costs You Thousands Of Dollars How To Stop Washing Scams » Wiki Useful 7 On Your Side

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