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China’s Xi expands power, promotes allies

Beijing – China’s most powerful leader for decades, President Xi Jinping stepped up his grip and stepped up his grip on society and the struggle when he was named leader of the ruling Communist Party on Sunday, breaking with tradition. Facilitated allies that upheld a vision of tight domination.Economy.

C, Who came to power in 2012, was given a third five-year term as Secretary-General, breaking the practice of his predecessor resigning after ten years. Some say the 69-year-old leader wants to stay in power for the rest of his life.

The party also 7 member standing committeeThe second leader, Premier Li Keqiang, an advocate of market-style reform and private enterprises, removed from leadership on SaturdayThat was despite Lee being a year younger than the party’s unofficial retirement age of 68.

“Power will be more concentrated in Mr. Xi Jinping’s hands,” said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a China politics expert at Hong Kong Baptist University. The new appointees “are all loyal to President Xi,” he said. “The system has no counterweights or checks and balances at all.”

On Saturday, Xi’s predecessor, 79-year-old Hu Jintao, abruptly walked away from a meeting of the Communist Party’s Central Committee with his aides grabbing his arm. This has raised questions about whether Xi Jinping is bending power by ousting other leaders. The state-run Xinhua News Agency later reported that Hu was in poor health and needed rest.

Xi and other members of the Standing Committee, none of whom are women, appeared for the first time as a group on Sunday before reporters at the Great Hall of the People, the seat of China’s ceremonial legislative body in central Beijing. did.

The second leader was Shanghai party secretary Li Qiang. As a result, Li Qiang, who has nothing to do with Li Keqiang, is expected to become the prime minister, that is, the top economic bureaucrat. Already a member of the National Assembly, Zhao Yuji has been promoted to number three and is likely to lead the legislative branch. These positions will be assigned when Congress meets next year.

At the end of the biannual party congress, a change of party leader was announced. Rigorous “Zero COVID” Strategy It closed cities and disrupted business. Officials disappointed investors and the Chinese public by not announcing the changes.

The line-up seemed to reflect what some commentators called “Maximum Xi”, valuing loyalty over competence. Some new leaders lack national-level experience as deputy prime ministers or ministers. This is usually considered a post requirement.

Li Qiang’s promotion seemed to confirm that, as it lined him up to become prime minister with no background in national government. Seen as close to Xi after working together on

Li Keqiang has been sidelined for the past decade by President Xi, who has become the head of the policy-making body. Li Keqiang was removed Saturday from the list of the party’s new 205-member Central Committee, from which the Standing Committee will be elected.

Another departure from the Standing Committee was Wang Yang, a reform advocate suggested by some as a candidate for prime minister. At 67, his Mr. Wang has not reached retirement age.

Other new standing committee members include Beijing party secretary Cai Qi and career party official Ding Xuexiang, who is seen as Xi Jinping’s “alternate” or chief of staff. Wang Huning, a former law school dean and chief of ideology, remained on the committee. In seventh place is Li Xi, party secretary of Guangdong province, China’s export-oriented manufacturing hub.

There are 11 women on the Central Committee, 5% of the total. His 24-member Politburo is empty after Sun Chunlan, vice premier in his 70s, resigned.

The Communist Party’s plan calls for building a prosperous society by the mid-20th century and restoring China to its historic role as a political, economic and cultural leader.

These ambitions are driven by challenges such as security-related restrictions on access to Western technology, an aging workforce, and tensions with Washington, European and Asian neighbors over trade, security, human rights and territorial disputes. facing.

After coming to power in 1949, Xi called for a “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” and the revival of the party’s “original mission” as a social, economic and cultural leader, as a throwback to what he sees as a golden age. I am looking for

In a meeting, Xi called for faster military development, “self-reliance and strength” in technology, and the defense of China’s interests abroad. This increases the likelihood of further conflict.

The Communist Party has tightened its control over entrepreneurs who create jobs and wealth, and rolling back market-oriented reforms has weighed on economic growth, which fell to 2.2% in the first half of this year, half the official target of 5.5%. It warns that it is less than

“Obviously, this is a return to a more state-led economy,” Cabestan said. “For the private sector, this means that there are party committees everywhere and they can be put on shorter chains.”

Under the revived 1950s propaganda slogan of “co-prosperity,” Xi encouraged entrepreneurs to reduce China’s wealth gap by raising wages and funding rural job creation and other initiatives. We are pressing you to help reduce the

In a report to Congress last week, Xi called for “regulating the wealth accumulation mechanism” and suggested entrepreneurs could face more political pressure, but gave no details. I didn’t.

“I would be worried if I were a very wealthy individual in China,” said Alicia García Herrero, an economist at Natixis.

In the report, President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of national security and the importance of controlling China’s food, energy and industrial supplies. He did not mention possible policy changes that prompted then-President Donald Trump to launch a tariff war with Beijing in 2018 over its technological ambitions.

The CCP has poured money into cultivating Chinese creators of renewable energy, electric vehicles, computer chips, aerospace, and other technologies. Trading partners complain that the Chinese government is providing inappropriate subsidies and shielding suppliers from competition.

Trump’s successor, Joe Biden, has continued to raise punitive tariffs on Chinese goods and this month tightened restrictions on China’s access to US chip technology.

The Communist Party has tightened its control over private sector leaders, including e-commerce giant Alibaba Group. Under political pressure, they divert billions of dollars to chip development and other party initiatives. Stocks have plummeted in foreign exchange as the outlook is uncertain.

Natixis’ Garcia Herrero and Gary Ng said in a report that the Communist Party would “strengthen its industrial policy” to discriminate between what Chinese tech suppliers can produce and what smartphone, computer and other manufacturers need. He said it would fill a “huge gap” between them.

President Xi Jinping has shown no signs that Beijing will change its “zero COVID” strategy, despite public discontent over repeated city shutdowns that have led to protests in Shanghai and elsewhere.

Capital Economics’ Julian Evans-Pritchard, Sheena Yue and Mark Williams wrote in a report that Mr. Xi Jinping’s priorities for security and self-sufficiency “are a drag on China’s productivity growth.” “His determination to stay in power makes a course correction less likely.”

Central bank governor Yi Gang and bank regulator Guo Shuqing are also missing from the Central Committee’s list on Saturday, indicating they will retire next year, as expected.

President Xi has suspended retirement rules to keep 72-year-old General Zhang Youxia on the Central Committee. This will allow Mr. Zhang, a veteran of China’s 1979 war with Vietnam, to remain as vice-chairman of the committee governing the People’s Liberation Army, the party’s military arm.

Party elites agreed in the 1990s to limit the general secretary to two five-year terms in hopes of avoiding a repeat of the power struggles of previous decades. Its leader also becomes chairman of the military commission and earns the title of president.

Xi led an anti-corruption crackdown that entrapped thousands of officials, including former Standing Committee members and deputy cabinet ministers. It divided factions and undermined potential challengers.

Xi, who will be the first leader of a generation to choose his successor, has yet to name a candidate. Hu Jintao and his predecessor Jiang Zemin were chosen in the 1980s by then-supreme leader Deng Xiaoping.

Ahead of Congress, Beijing’s main thoroughfare was hoisted with banners criticizing Mr. Photos of the event have been removed from social media. His popular WeChat messaging app has closed the accounts that forwarded them.

Xi Jinping’s government has also faced criticism for its large-scale detentions and other abuses of mostly Muslim ethnic groups and the imprisonment of government critics.


Contributed by AP video journalist Caroline Chen.

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

https://www.local10.com/news/world/2022/10/23/chinas-xi-expands-powers-promotes-allies/ China’s Xi expands power, promotes allies

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