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Circles in Cape Canaveral, Florida river are WWII bombing targets

A circle of rusting, barnacle encrusted metal protruding from the Banana River in Cape Canaveral is all that remains of the World War II bombing targets from the Banana River Air Station, now Patrick Space Force Base.


A circle of rusting, barnacle encrusted metal protruding from the Banana River in Cape Canaveral is all that remains of the World War II bombing targets from the Banana River Air Station, now Patrick Space Force Base.

A circle of rusting, barnacle encrusted metal protruding from the Banana River in Cape Canaveral is all that remains of the World War II bombing targets from the Banana River Air Station, now Patrick Space Force Base.


http://rssfeeds.floridatoday.com/~/763510169/0/brevard/news~Bombing-targets-in-Banana-River-in-Cape-Canaveral-are-leftover-relics-from-World-War-II-training/ Circles in Cape Canaveral, Florida river are WWII bombing targets

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