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Cold weather brings itchy, irritated, dry and scaly skin – how to treat eczema and other skin conditions and when to see a doctor

(conversation) – In many parts of the United States, the winter months bring frigid temperatures and dry conditions that can wreak havoc on your skin.

As the largest organ in the body, the main role of the skin is to act as a physical barrier to the external environment. Healthy skin can protect it from allergens and infections. However, the skin can be particularly irritated in the winter, when the outside temperature and humidity drop.

we Dermatologist and medical student a person who studies a wide range of common skin conditions Environmental influences on skin health.

Towards winter, several common skin conditions can develop or exacerbate in response to cold weather. increase. All can be irritating and uncomfortable, and some conditions are more difficult to treat than others. So when to manage these conditions yourself and when to see a dermatologist It helps to know what to do.


Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease that causes dry, itchy skin and can be triggered by soaps and detergents, environmental and food allergens, hormonal changes, and skin infections. There are often overlapping symptoms.

fatty eczemaAlso known as winter itching, it is a common condition in older people. During the winter, the skin becomes drier and can sometimes crack, fissure, and become inflamed.

Severe dryness can cause itching and rashes. The result is an open wound that allows allergens and bacteria to enter the skin and cause rashes and infections.

This type of eczema usually occurs on the legs, but it can occur anywhere on the skin, including the trunk, arms, and hands.

Keeping the skin hydrated is the main treatment. Water-based lotions may exacerbate dry skin, so apply an oily moisturizer – Recommended to use on wet or damp skin like petroleum jelly, mineral oil or petroleum jelly. Hypoallergenic, anti-itch moisturizers designed specifically for eczema are also available.

Other tips include replacing long hot baths with quick warm showers, switching to mild soaps, and using a room humidifier if the climate is dry. Please consult a dermatologist. A topical steroid may be prescribed.

Hand eczema can also get worse in winter. Hands are frequently exposed to cold, dry airScaling, fissures, and bleeding on the hands are common. Minimizing exposure to bar and antibacterial soaps and using a gentle cleansing product followed by applying a petroleum-based, fragrance-free moisturizer can improve symptoms.


frostbiteSmall, itchy patches, also known as pernio, that can occur when the skin is exposed to cold, damp weather and are swollen and painful bumps that affect the fingers, toes, ears and face Poor blood circulation, vasoconstrictiona history of autoimmune disease and low body weight may predispose to frostbite.

The affected area is painful, itchy, and swollen, and is usually bluish to purple in color. In severe cases, blisters and ulcers may develop. However, for most people, this condition he tends to resolve on its own within 1-3 weeks.

Until then, it’s important to protect the affected area from the cold. If you start to blister in sensitive areas or develop fever, muscle aches, or chills, it’s best to see a dermatologist or internist.

pseudo frostbite, also known as “COVID toes”, can be caused by COVID-19 infection. The frostbite associated with COVID-19 resembles a frostbite rash (painful red-to-blue nodules on the toes) but is not unique to winter. Dry and cracked skin can lead to infections.

Raynaud phenomenon

Like frostbite, Raynaud phenomenon A skin condition characterized by significant constriction of blood vessels in the toes and toes when exposed to cold. The numbers may turn red or blue, but they will turn red quickly when reheated. The affected area may be numb and painful, and in severe cases, an ulcer may develop.

To treat Raynaud’s phenomenon, avoid exposure to cold weather. Ideally, people with Raynaud’s should wear layers to protect against the cold. At a minimum, wear gloves and insulating shoes. Avoid tobacco, caffeine, and decongestants.they can cause make blood vessels more constrictedIf symptoms do not improve quickly – Raynaud’s colds usually get better in just a few minutes – Raynaud’s phenomenon more serious systemic illnessincluding cancer, infections and/or trauma.

cold urticaria

cold urticaria It is a skin rash thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction that leads to the release of inflammatory molecules, including histamine.

Wheals, also known as urticaria, may occur shortly after the skin is exposed to a sudden drop in temperature. These are areas of redness, itching and swelling of the skin. Such episodes can last about two hours. Occasionally, epidemics are accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, chills, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

To test for cold urticaria, ice cube testThis can be done by simply placing ice cubes on the skin area for 5 minutes. If you have cold urticaria, the skin will swell and itch within 5 to 15 minutes. Treatment includes avoiding exposure to cold and using over-the-counter antihistamines.

For those who have experienced cold urticaria swim in cold water It is dangerous as you can lose consciousness or drown.

panniculitis cold

panniculitis cold – Appears as enlarged, red, painful nodules on the skin – Occurs 12 to 72 hours after exposure to cold.

Cases of panniculitis are children eating popsicles and in adults whole body cryotherapyIt is commonly used to treat chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and to improve recovery after exercise.

Panniculitis is common in childhood and usually resolves itself by avoiding exposure to cold air and direct contact with frozen products.

Symptoms from winter skin conditions are often self-limiting and will resolve themselves with adequate protection from the cold. However, if symptoms persist, see a licensed dermatologist. I need to get it.

If an in-person visit to a dermatologist proves difficult, consider visiting a dermatologist virtually, as many academic medical centers and private clinics now do. Please give me. Providing telemedicine dermatology.

https://fox40.com/news/national-and-world-news/cold-weather-brings-itchy-irritated-dry-and-scaly-skin-heres-how-to-treat-eczema-and-other-skin-conditions-and-when-to-see-a-doctor/ Cold weather brings itchy, irritated, dry and scaly skin – how to treat eczema and other skin conditions and when to see a doctor

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