Home Lifestyle Emotional de-escalation also matters

Emotional de-escalation also matters


COVID-19 has generated a completely new situation around the world, with very noticeable and diverse effects in each country. Each territory has taken steps to try to mitigate and minimize the negative consequences of a new outbreak. It is time to pause, with only essential jobs and minimal home leaving just for what is high-priority for most. No more grand leisure moments like people used to have, at least for now.

Difficult times that put to the test the capacity of adaptability of the whole population, both large and small companies, or even autonomous individuals like the hot escorts in Glasgow, they’re all the same now. Meanwhile, it seems that all that is being talked about everywhere is statistics of contagion and resurgence, the pandemic and what each country is doing.

Moments that every human being is having to face in their own way. The radical change of routines, the rhythm of life and even the way of seeing things… How is it affecting them all?

All this has brought feelings to the surface. Both negative and positive. Anxiety, fear, worry, uncertainty, sadness and so on. A real roller coaster of emotions that not everyone knows how to manage and that can seriously affect. These are times of tension, when the only moments of release are the hours available to walk or play sports and go out to the balconies to take some fresh air.

Emotional de-escalation also matters

That’s why it’s important to avoid thinking too much and take advantage of those little moments. Maintain contact with all loved ones and take advantage to do everything that is most enjoyable. Cooking, exercise at home, dancing, video calls with friends and family, online games.

Luckily, now, the multimedia content that can be found on the internet is more accessible than ever. Even in the adult sector, in some countries, people still find sexy private escorts in Dublin who perform physical encounters but the vast majority have chosen to resort to online sex, spicy video calls, erotic chats, sale of photo packs and personalized videos.

At first, contempt was what prevailed in all people, dismissing it, and saying that it was like another flu, but as time passed, that changed. The cancellation of large events, closing of large areas, recommendation of social distancing, increase of hygiene measures… Fear and uncertainty have been gaining ground and importance among the entire population.

The general malaise, concern and lack of information have led to a shift in priorities. Everything that was previously taken for granted has been revalued. Such as being able to meet friends, visit family, go to the gym, travel and even something as simple as giving a hug or a kiss.

It seems that joy and hope are increasing in view of the latest data in most countries. The efforts of all and the care are demonstrating its effects and the reward with the return gradually of “normality”. But still, it is important to continue to be responsible and take care of one’s health and that of others. Even if the slogan of “Stay home” is left behind, the other one of “Everything will be fine”, no.

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Creativity has become everyone’s best friend. Humor, self-esteem and pleasure are now more necessary than ever. It’s recommended to try to be patient and use this time to reflect, to get to know oneself better. It is also time to learn how to communicate and express with those closest, even if it is through a screen. People are allowing themselves to feel the emotions and not be guilty about it, figuring out the best way to vent.

Do some exercise, develop culinary skills, catch up with all the series, movies and books. Staying entertained, doing different activities to be distracted and not thinking all day about the same, are important examples.

Take a deep breath, play sports or even some spicy video call with the partner or an incredibly sensual escort in Darwin. Natural methods to calm down, release stress and rest better.

To continue together as a community, thinking socially is how in the end, all will achieve what is desired, the supposed normality. But for now, it’s time to live day by day, following recommended health measures and take care both physically and psychologically of oneself. Trying to be informed, to continue to improve and move forward.

Discover the best way to face this whole situation, be able to be strengthened and improve as people and societies. So that hugs, kisses and gratitude will flood the streets again along with laughter and joy as soon as possible.

Because it is true that together, it is possible, and the figures confirm it. However, getting out of this situation and getting back to normal is a process, so it’s important to be patient and go slowly. It may seem like slow progress, but the most important thing is to make it safe to not back down afterwards.