Home Health Filling the Gap: How Are Cavities Formed?

Filling the Gap: How Are Cavities Formed?


A bright smile is most people’s goal, but did you know that over 90 percent of adults are hiding at least one cavity in their mouths?

Cavities are a common tooth problem that can affect both children and adults. If your cavities aren’t treated promptly, they can become serious oral health problems.

If you wonder, “how are cavities formed,” we’ve got you covered. This helpful guide looks at everything you need to know about this sneaky dental issue.

How Are Cavities Formed

The first stage of tooth decay is the demineralization of the enamel. Demineralization happens when your teeth repeatedly get exposed to acidic foods.

Demineralization eventually leads to enamel decay. This type of decay reaches the enamel and puts tiny holes in your teeth. These holes, called cavities, aren’t reversible.

If you are wondering, “do cavities grow past this demineralization stage”, the answer is yes. If a cavity isn’t taken care of, it will progress to dentin decay, which requires more extensive treatment.

What Foods Cause Cavities

Sugar and starches are two of the leading causes of cavities. You can find these ingredients in foods such as bread, pasta, and candy.

The sugar in these foods feeds the bacteria in your mouth and creates acid. The acid is what starts to decay the enamel on your teeth.

If you eat surgery or starchy food, make sure to brush your teeth afterward. The following are the worst food for your teeth:

  • sticky or sugary candy
  • starchy food like soft bread
  • carbonated soft drinks
  • anything that dries your mouth out

You can also eat foods that can prevent cavities. Eat an apple or banana for foods that whiten teeth and also keeps them cavity-free.

How to Get Rid of Cavities 

Cavity prevention is a lot easier than cavity treatment. The best way to prevent cavities is by cutting back on sugar. To keep your teeth healthy, you can also drink plenty of water and visit your dentist.

Regular visits to the dentist can help detect cavities early when they are easiest to treat. If you have a tooth in the early stages of decay, your dentist can apply a sealant. This sealant will keep the cavity from forming.

Cavity Treatment

If you have a cavity, your dentist can treat it with a filling. A filling is a small piece of dental material that your dentist will place in the cavity to repair it.

A cavity that is beyond the early stages will get a crown. The crowns goes over the affected tooth to strengthen it.

If your decay has reached the tooth root, your dentist may advise a root canal. This procedure replaces the pulp of a tooth with filling material. This type of treatment is only for very damaged teeth.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Strong With Good Dental Hygiene 

If you find yourself thinking, “how are cavities formed,” the answer is through the foods you eat and drink. Although cavities are no fun, you can avoid them by keeping on top of your oral hygiene.

You can do many things to keep your body healthy and strong. Check out our health articles for more tips today.