Home Lifestyle Food and beverage brands that issued NFTs.

Food and beverage brands that issued NFTs.


NFT is at the centre of high-profile stories. Brands are also looking at the sensational topic. Let’s remember a few examples of food and beverage brands that are experimenting with NFTs.

Pizza Hut

One of the earliest NFT food marketing campaigns was held by the Canadian local division of Pizza Hut. The fast-food chain introduced a new pizza called 1 Byte Favorites. According to the company, this is the world’s first NFP – Non-fungible Pizza.

The line contains a limited number of 8-bit pictures with the most popular pizzas on the chain. Every day during the certain period, Pizza Hut released a picture of a new slice of pizza.

According to the company, this happened “exactly at the time when the world is most hungry: at lunchtime”.

Initially, Pizza Hut’s NFT price was supposed to be equal to “one bite of real pizza” – 0.0001 ETH or 20 Canadian cents, pls. check convert Monero to Bitcoin but later one 8-bit slice of pizza was sold for $8,824.

Taco bell

Fans of Mexican fast food will also find NFT to their liking. Taco Bell has collaborated with contemporary artists to release one image and four GIFs of tacos. The company released 25 NFTacoBells that were sold out in 30 minutes. The very first NFT contained a $500 Taco Bell gift certificate.

The images are of the potatoes and potato tacos that have returned to the restaurant’s menu. It had to be removed from the stock during quarantine when Taco Bell went completely into delivery mode. This was done to cut down on the menu and thus reduce customer waiting times. Later the restaurant returned the potatoes to the menu and celebrated their return with an NFT release. “Our potato tacos can now be in your hearts, bellies and digital wallets,” the brand said.

Each token was worth $1.79 – just like one real taco in a restaurant. The most expensive one went for $3,646, another one is sold for $18,365. Taco Bell gets 0.01% from each resale. The brand will send the proceeds to its own charitable foundation.

Epica Youghurt

Even the usual breakfast can be seen in the format of a non-fungible token: Epica also has released the world’s first NFT yoghurt. The recipe for a digital dessert was created by a neural network that described the taste of its creation as the taste of “such a huge piece of ice that fell from the sky to earth” and “fragments falling from the fire”. The idea of artificial intelligence was visualized by the popular digital artist Brickspacer. His work depicts lavender-coloured yoghurt with a crystal in the middle. The work is shown in a looped video format as a jar of yoghurt held in its paws by a wolf dissecting yoghurt on the roof of a car.