Home Lifestyle How to build a Shopify app: the complete guide

How to build a Shopify app: the complete guide


Shopify is an excellent platform for creating your own online store, since when developing a website on this platform, you can easily do without coding and web design skills, and you can create a store in just a few days. However, in order for the store to be fully optimized and, as a result, give out a high conversion, it is necessary to approach the development process more seriously and think over everything to the smallest detail in order to prevent stupid mistakes, which will be followed by a waste of time and money. Shopify development services Makebecool.

Creation of the concept of an online store

In simple words, a concept is a system of ways to solve a common problem or a model according to which an online store will be developed. At this stage, the target audience, the type of store (niche or single-product), the approximate number of products and categories, the required functionality and other points that need to be considered before starting to create a store are determined in order to estimate the labor costs and terms of the project.

Searching for references and compiling a table of competitors

At this stage, references are collected, including sites that stand out both in design and functionality. It also selects a list of competitors that sell the same or similar products, or target the same target audience.

The easiest way is to record all the information you collect in Google Sheets. Next to each site, we recommend writing down the key features, advantages that can be borrowed when assembling the store (structure, triggers, texts, colors, applications, etc.)

Domain selection and purchase

At this stage, you need to decide on the domain – the address of your future site. Of course, you need to start from your brand name if it has already been defined.

It is recommended to register a domain name in the .com zone for greater confidence in the site, but you need to understand that many attractive addresses may already be taken.

Selection and purchase of a theme

The Shopify platform has a store with a lot of both free and paid themes. In order to understand how the platform works, a free theme may be more than enough. However, to fully launch the store, we recommend installing one of the paid themes. They have broader functionality and add personality to online stores.

Shopify account registration, card connection

To sign up for an account on Shopify, you only need to have an up-to-date email address. Provide passport data or documents of individual entrepreneur / legal entity. no face is needed. The process is as simple as possible and does not take much time.

Next, you need to connect a bank card to the store, from which you will be charged for using Shopify, for applications, as well as commissions from received orders. This stage needs to be approached more seriously, since if you make wrong actions, your account may be blocked.

When linking a card, it is extremely important to indicate the real data of the card holder. If the owner data specified in Settings – General differs from the cardholder data, there is no problem. Do not use a proxy or VPN when connecting a card to Shopify, do not connect a card that was previously connected to a store that ended up being blocked. The billing address of the card and your actual geolocation should roughly match.

Importing products and collection creations

After connecting the card to the store, you can proceed to the import of all goods from the matrix that was compiled earlier. The process is simple enough. It is only important to correctly enter all the data about the goods, and then distribute the goods to the required collections.

You also need to follow these steps:

* Filling goods with photos

* Compilation of product descriptions

* Creation of pages (information pages)

* Drawing up the structure of the online store

* Create Header (header) and Footer (footer)

* Assembling a prototype of an online store on a theme

* Selection of colors and fonts

* Logo development and image design

* Full theme customization

* Store settings

* Domain connection

* Application setting

* Connecting the payment system to Shopify.

Creating and launching an online store on Shopify can take a lot of time and effort, as well as, most importantly, bring financial losses in the case when you do not know exactly how to create a selling and user-friendly website. Some of the most important points that need to be given special attention are the development of the structure, copywriting, design and assembly of the online store. Shopify speed optimization.

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To save time and effort, as well as not to waste time and advertising budget, we recommend that you entrust the entire process of creating an online store to professionals.