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Iran Accuses Israel of Drone Attack, Threatens Retaliation

dubai On Thursday, Iran formally accused Israel of carrying out a drone strike targeting a military factory in the central city of Isfahan over the weekend and warned it “reserves its legitimate and inherent right” to retaliate. .

Iran’s mission to the United Nations said in a letter posted on its website that the attack late Saturday was by Israel.

“Initial investigations suggest that the Israeli regime was responsible for this attempted attack,” the letter, signed by Iranian Ambassador Amir Saeed Iravani, said.

Israeli officials declined to comment. However, Israel has carried out a series of attacks targeting Iran’s nuclear program and other sites since the collapse of a nuclear deal with world powers in 2015.

Details about the Isfahan attack, which took place around 11:30 pm on Saturday, are still lacking days after the attack. A Defense Department statement said he had three drones launched at the facility, two of which he shot down. The ministry said one-third of the crashes hit buildings and caused “minor damage” to roofs, but no one was injured.

The state-run IRNA news agency later described the drone as a “quadcopter armed with bombs”. A quadcopter, so named because it has four rotors, is usually operated from a short distance by remote control. Iranian state television later aired footage of debris from a drone resembling a commercial quadcopter.

What the workshop produced remains unknown.

Iravani’s letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the Security Council warned that Tehran could respond to an attack.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its legitimate and inherent right to defend its national security and to respond decisively to any threats or wrongdoing by the Israeli regime where and when it deems necessary,” the letter said. is written.

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

https://www.local10.com/news/world/2023/02/02/iran-blames-israel-for-drone-attack-threatens-retaliation/ Iran Accuses Israel of Drone Attack, Threatens Retaliation

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