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Is Florida holding property insurance carriers accountable?

It started in the master bedroom. 

The night Hurricane Ian threw itself against the edges of Southwest Florida, battering homes and sheeting down rain, its 145-mile-per-hour winds lifted the roof from the home where Sara Alvarez and her husband, Justin Jackson, sheltered.

Rain poured in, soaking belongings, walls and floors. As the winds battered the townhouse for hours, it leaked in wherever roof met wall. By the time the storm had passed, the ground floor was covered in 2 inches of water despite Jackson’s attempts to suck it from the ceiling with a Shop-Vac.

Mold soon grew in the paths water had carved in the walls. It plagued Alvarez, who works from home, with daylong headaches and flu-like symptoms. 

http://rssfeeds.floridatoday.com/~/780386543/0/brevard/news~When-will-they-pay-Floridians-say-state-not-holding-insurance-carriers-accountable-postIan/ Is Florida holding property insurance carriers accountable?

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