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Israel celebrates anniversary plagued by division and violence

Jerusalem – Israel marked a memorial day for its fallen soldiers and victims of insurgent attacks on Tuesday, amid its deepest political division in history and rising tensions with the Palestinian people.

Memorial Day is one of the most solemn moments in Israel’s national calendar as it honors the 24,213 war dead and 4,255 victims of the attack. A two-minute siren sounds late in the morning and people are stranded. Motorists and pedestrians stop in the street, park their cars, and stand with their heads down.

While relatives visit cemeteries and attend ceremonies, television and radio programming shifts to brooding music and documentaries about the slain soldiers.

This year’s Remembrance Day is tainted by deep divisions stirring up the country over a controversial plan to overhaul the judicial system by the government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Citizens of Israel, this year’s siren is Israel’s strong call to signatures and a wake-up call for all of us. The price of civil war is heavy,” Israeli icon President Isaac Herzog said late Monday in mourning. said at an official ceremony marking the start of the day.

Herzog said he was brokering negotiations between the government and opposition parties to find compromises on legal changes, but was working to preserve Israel as a Jewish democracy.

The solemnity of the event is typically a moment of national unity. At sundown, mourning turns into 4th of July vitality. This year, Israel turns 75, so he has a lot to celebrate.

but that’s all Hiding behind bitter divisions over legal overhaul plan. Fighter pilots threaten to stop reporting on duty. The country’s leaders have openly warned of civil war, and the families of fallen soldiers have called on politicians to stay away from the ceremony. .

After weeks of mass protests that closed highways, sparked a brief general strike and spooked investors, Prime Minister Netanyahu has paused push for an overhaul. The plan gives the Netanyahu government, the most right-wing government in Israeli history, the power to overturn court decisions and appoint judges.

This year’s Memorial Day also comes as Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank are embroiled in some of the deadliest violence in the region in years. Just a day earlier, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man in a West Bank raid and injured several others when Palestinians smashed their car into pedestrians near a crowded Jerusalem market.

Since its founding in 1948, Israel has fought six wars with neighboring Arab countries, fought two Palestinian uprisings, and survived numerous deadly militant attacks.

As the sun goes down on Tuesday, the nation will transition from mourning to celebration as the country begins its 75th Independence Day.

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

https://www.local10.com/news/world/2023/04/25/israel-marks-memorial-day-plagued-by-divisions-violence/ Israel celebrates anniversary plagued by division and violence

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