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Kremlin war hawks call for more devastating attack on Ukraine

Tallinn – in Moscow Barrage of missile attacks on cities across Ukraine Congratulatory comments have been pouring in from Russian officials and pro-Kremlin commentators, who said in recent weeks actively criticize Russian military A series of embarrassing setbacks on the battlefield.

Russian nationalist commentators and state media war correspondents linked Monday’s offensive to Ukraine’s successful counteroffensives in the northeast and south and to the critical bridge between Russia and the Crimea Peninsula, the precious Black Sea Peninsula Russia. He hailed it as a fitting and long-awaited response to the weekend’s attacks. Merged in 2014.

But many argued that Moscow should keep up the intensity of Monday’s missile strikes to win the war now. He suggested he was becoming hostage to his own supporters’ views on how the movement should play out.

“Putin’s initiative is weakening and he is becoming more and more dependent on the circumstances and the people who are trying to build a ‘victory’ for him (in Ukraine),” said the founder of the independent think tank R.Politik. author Tatyana Stanovaya wrote in an online commentary on Monday. .

Putin’s supporters have been calling for drastic measures on the Ukrainian battlefield for weeks. Europe’s longest bridge, a prominent symbol of Russia’s military might, was opened in 2018 by President Putin himself.

“And?” Margarita Simoyan, head of state television RT, questioned Moscow’s response to the attack on the bridge on social media.

“This is one of those cases where the country needs to show that we can fight back,” wrote Alexander Kots, a war correspondent for Russia’s popular pro-Kremlin tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“It’s time to fight! Fiercely, even cruelly. Without looking back at the accusations from the West,” Sergei Mironov, a senior Russian lawmaker who heads the state-run Fair Russia party, tweeted on Saturday. “No more sanctions. They say no more bad words. There’s no way back, it’s time to respond!”

The response took place on Monday morning, when Moscow simultaneously launched dozens of missiles into Ukrainian cities, causing numerous casualties and causing unprecedented damage to Ukraine’s critical infrastructure. The strike, which hit 15 cities in Ukraine, most of them in provincial capitals, cut power lines, damaged railway stations and roads, and left cities without water.

For the first time in months, a Russian missile exploded dangerously close to a government building in central Kyiv.

Putin said on Monday that the attack was in retaliation for Kyiv’s “terrorist” actions targeting the Kerch Bridge, and vowed a “severe” and “proportionate” response if Ukraine carries out further attacks that threaten Russia’s security. rice field.

“No one should doubt about it,” he said.

“Here’s the reaction,” RT’s Simonyan tweeted Monday after the attack. “The Crimea Bridge was a very red line from the beginning.”

Ramzan Kadyrov, the powerful leader of Chechnya, the Russian region of the North Caucasus, said he was “100% satisfied” with how the Kremlin’s “special military operations” were progressing. Ukraine even called for the use of low-yield nuclear weapons.

Crimea’s governor-general in Moscow, Sergei Aksyonov, described the strike as “good news.”

But the cheers by Kremlin supporters demanded Putin and the Russian military to maintain the pace and intensity of the attacks and damage inflicted on Ukraine’s infrastructure.

In a statement, Aksyonov stressed that “if actions were taken every day to destroy the enemy’s infrastructure, we would have finished everything by the end of May and the Kyiv regime would have been defeated.”

“I hope the pace of surgery does not slow down,” wrote Aksyonov.

After posting a video of himself dancing on a balcony in a hat with the letter Z on it, RT’s top host Anton Krasovsky said in another Telegram post that the damage to Ukraine’s power lines was ” Not enough! Not enough!”

Another state television journalist, Andrei Medvedev, called Monday’s attack “a logical step that not only society has long demanded, but that the military situation has demanded a different approach to hostilities.” I called.

“And so it happened.

“If strikes against critical infrastructure become regular, if strikes against railroads, bridges and power plants become part of our tactics, yes, things will change. , so far no decision has been made to plunge Ukraine into the Middle Ages, ”Medvedev wrote.

Political analyst Stanovaya said in a Telegram post on Monday that Putin was under “strong pressure” to move to “aggressive actions and massive bombings” that put him in a position to act. pointed out that it encouraged

“As of today, we can say that Putin has been persuaded to resort to a more aggressive line, and that is consistent with his understanding of the situation. is writing


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https://www.local10.com/news/world/2022/10/11/kremlin-war-hawks-demand-more-devastating-strikes-on-ukraine/ Kremlin war hawks call for more devastating attack on Ukraine

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