Home Health Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Spain

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Spain


No matter where a male resides, having breasts that become enlarged is socially stigmatizing and even in some cases painful. Called Gynecomastia, according to the Mayo Clinic, there are dozens of causes. Hormonal imbalances, weight gain, drug abuse, liver, and kidney failure, and even HIV can cause this condition. It is an excess of fatty tissue in the glands of males.

Although Gynecomastia is not curable it is treatable, via cosmetic surgery. Studies show that over 98 percent of males with the condition are pleased with the surgical outcome. Since it is a source of embarrassment for males it is a much sought-after procedure. In many parts of the world, the term for Gynecomastia is “man boobs” and this itself is embarrassing.

Why Have Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Spain?

According to Tourism.com, Gynecomastia is treated both more affordably and with a high-level skill set in Spain, especially in Barcelona and Madrid. (2) The surgeons in Spain have specialized treatment in breast reduction in males. Pricing guides will show that the procedure is much more affordable than in the United States or other countries, yet the quality of care is the same if not better. Reduction of male breast tissue can include incision and liposuction and the costs can start at around $6,700 USD for both and go upwards.(3) Insurance might pay for a part of the surgery in the USA if there is pain involved but this is generally considered a cosmetic procedure so may not be not covered. Financing plans are available, but individuals are responsible for regular payments. Some individuals without insurance do choose Spain for the procedure.

In Spain, the procedures start at $3,000 USD minimum and go to a maximum of $5,000 USD. This is a significant difference in costs. In the USA residents must search for specials to afford this procedure. In Spain, the costs are upfront, and the procedures are the same quality and safety levels. Recovery is generally quick too as the procedure is done with a mild sedative and/or general anesthesia and can be “same day” surgery. Recovery at a nice Spanish hotel is immensely appealing.

Pre-Surgical Requirements

Just as in any other region of the world, Spain has the same pre-surgical requirements to ensure safety.

  • Maintenance of a healthy weight before the procedure
  • A physical checkup to dismiss possible underlying conditions
  • No smoking, alcohol, or drug usage
  • A full physical history
  • Possible age restrictions as teenage males are just developing, and the gynecomastia may be temporary in adolescents
  • An initial consultation in person
  • Possible blood work or other lab work such as urine analysis to ensure no drug, smoking, or alcohol is in a patient’s system

Since gynecomastia can be caused by overweight, being at a good weight pre-surgery is important. With any surgery, smoking, alcohol, and drug usage can delay healing and there is usually a small incision. Full recovery and healing generally takes about 2 to 3 weeks with only a small scar which fades over time.

Post-Surgery Recovery Facts

Breast reduction surgery in males is generally easy to recover from. Some redness and soreness can last up to 3 to 4 days afterwards. Heavy lifting should be restricted for some weeks usually. Physical activities that do not require putting a strain on the incisions are recommended. Female breast reductions are more difficult as more tissue is usually removed, whereas although some males have more fatty glandular tissue than others, they do not have as much as females.

Post-Surgery Recommendations

  • Rest if possible as patients can be sore and a bit woozy from the drugs used
  • Avoid all types of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products except for mild anti-inflammatories
  • Do not overeat in the following months or gain weight as the breasts may enlarge again
  • Wait to fly home for a day or two as the pressure in an airplane can cause bleeding

Do Other Countries Beside Spain Offer Male Breast Reduction?

Of course, as this is a common procedure with 98 percent of all males with the condition seeking surgery. However, in Spain the costs are lower, yet the surgeons are as skilled as in the USA. There are even surgeons for this procedure in Taiwan, Korea, and other underdeveloped countries but the skill level and of course, medical facilities are not as safe and sanitary. It is “chancy” to go too cheap in any surgical procedure.

Are There Other Alternatives to Surgery?

If an individual searches online there will be sites that promote pills that will reduce or eliminate Gynecomastia. These are not proven, as many are not approved for use. These pills are like all the other “immediate solutions” that are promoted online for weight loss, joint pain, etc. Only a skilled surgeon can relieve Gynecomastia in one simple same-day surgery, and it is fallacy to believe swallowing a pill will assist. In fact, the pills might contain ingredients that will harm an individual.


There is an emotional and psychological affect that afflicts males who have large breast tissue. However, the breast reduction surgeons in Spain are well equipped to solve the problem once and for all in a manner that is safe and effective. It is important to eat right and maintain a healthy weight after the surgery as weight gain can cause a reoccurrence. It is advised that an individual wait until after puberty and of course, not wait until they are elderly. Elderly individuals do take longer to recover from any type of surgery. Adolescents are just developing, and the problem may solve itself by the age of eighteen.

Just because breast reduction in males is not a major surgery does not mean care should not be taken afterward. Any surgery should never be taken lightly and Spanish surgeons who specialize in this procedure will discharge patients with information and a care plan. This material should be read and followed to the letter and spending a day or two in Spain afterward can assist. If problems would erupt the surgeon would attend to them immediately if a patient is still in Spain.