
Popular app TikTok banned at Florida university

A recent decision by the Florida Board of Governors will bar colleges and universities across the state from using campus Wi-Fi or school-owned devices to access the popular app TikTok.

The ban includes the state’s largest institutions with hundreds of thousands of students, including the University of Florida, Florida State University, Florida Atlantic University, and the University of South Florida.

In an email sent late Wednesday to UF employees and students, TikTok cannot be used over the university’s network due to potential security risks.In addition to Tencent QQ, WeChat, VKonatke and Kaspersky. Accordingly, TikTok is also prohibited from use in any UF marketing or advertising initiative.

http://rssfeeds.floridatoday.com/~/733867244/0/brevard/news~Ill-just-turn-off-my-WiFi-TikTok-banned-from-use-at-Florida-universities/ Popular app TikTok banned at Florida university

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