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“Quitting and mopping is not an option”

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – The Democrats’ Strongest Voice Will Support Abortion, Social Security, democracy itself They are at risk as they strive to overcome severe political headwinds. ill-timed failure from the president Joe Biden — on the last weekend of 2022 Midterm Elections.

“Mopping in a grump is not an option” Former President Barack Obama told hundreds of voters on a stormy day in Pittsburgh. “Don’t let our country fall 50 years backwards on Tuesday.”

Later in the day, Biden shared the stage with Obama in Philadelphia, a former running mate who has campaigned with him for the first time since Biden took office.In neighboring New York, even former President Bill Clinton , who had little involvement in national politics in recent years, but defended his party.

The trio of Democrats were the first, but not the last, president to speak out on Saturday when voters across America will determine control of Congress and major state legislatures. He described the election in words and closed the day with a working-class rally in southwestern Pennsylvania.

“If you want to stop destroying our country and save the American dream, you must vote Republican in a giant red wave on Tuesday,” Trump told thousands of his supporters, calling the United States a ” A country in decline,” he said.

Biden, Trump, Obama and Clinton — four of six living presidents — focused on the battlegrounds of the Northeast on Saturday, but parties did their best to make critical statements. Their words resounded throughout the country. closing argumentVoting across America closes on Tuesday, but more than 36 million people have already voted.

It seems not everyone was messaging on Saturday.

Even before he arrived in Pennsylvania, Mr. Biden was dealing with renewed political turmoil after upsetting parts of his party by pushing for plans to shut down fossil fuel factories in favor of green energy. rice field. He commented the day before in California that the fossil fuel industry is a major employer in Pennsylvania.

Senator Joe Manchin, DW.Va., chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said the president owe an apology to coal workers across the country. He called Biden’s comments “offensive and disgusting.”

Mr. Trump grabbed the Western Pennsylvania riff and accused Mr. Biden of “resuming the war on coal, your coal.”

The White House said Biden’s words were “twisted to imply an unintended meaning. He regrets that some were offended by hearing these remarks,” adding that the “economic and commented on the facts of the technology.”

Democrats are deeply concerned about their narrow majority in the House and Senate. Voters are frustrated with Mr. Biden’s leadership amid soaring inflation, rising crime fears and widespread pessimism about the country’s direction. As history suggests, the Democrats, as the party in power, will suffer big losses in the midterm elections.

Clinton endorsed New York Governor Kathy Hochul to address growing concerns about rising crime. His election is in jeopardy, even in pitch-blue New York. He accused Republicans of focusing on the issue to score political points.

“But what are Republicans really saying? ‘I want you to scare me.

Trump campaigned in western Pennsylvania Dr. Mehmet OzSenate Candidates, and Doug Mastriano running for governorOz, who has built a moderate image with Trump’s endorsement throughout the fall, briefly took the stage with Trump, but made a formal statement more than an hour ago.

Shortly before Oz spoke, a double rainbow flashed across the sky.

“Here’s the deal. I’m not a politician, I’m a surgeon,” Oz told thousands of Trump supporters.

The focus on Pennsylvania underscores Pennsylvania’s struggle for 2022 and beyond. The battle between Oz and Democrat John Fetterman could decide the Senate majority, and could also decide Biden’s next two-year agenda and judicial appointments. The governor’s contest determines the direction of state policy, Managing State Election Infrastructure for the 2024 presidential election.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro leads the polls for state senator and retired Army Colonel Mastriano, and some Republicans are skeptical that Biden won by a narrow margin two years ago. I think it’s too radical for Mastriano to win the general election.

Polls show a tighter race to replace retired Republican Senator Pat Toomey as Fetterman recovers from a stroke he suffered in May. In the only debate against Oz last month, he jumbled up words and struggled to complete his sentences, but medical experts say he is recovering well from his health scare. increase.

Having had little trouble speaking on Saturday, Fetterman lashed out at Oz, accused former New Jersey resident As a millionaire carpetbagger who will say and do anything to win. During his speech, a gust of wind knocked several American flags off the stage.

“I will be the 51st voter to lift the filibuster and raise the minimum wage,” said Fetterman, wearing his trademark black hoodie. “Send Dr. Oz back to New Jersey.”

Fetterman hugged Obama after a speech in Pittsburgh. Later in Philadelphia, Fetterman joined hands with Biden, Obama, and Shapiro.

Biden’s speech was pretty much the same one he’s been giving for weeks. Spotlighting his major legislative achievements, he warned that abortion rights, voting rights, Social Security and Medicare would be at risk if Republicans took control of Congress this week.

The president highlighted the inflation-cutting action passed by the Democratic-led Congress in August. This includes some medical provisions that are popular among the elderly and less affluent. Monthly limit per insulin prescription. The new law also requires companies that raise prices faster than overall inflation to pay rebates to Medicare.

But with his hometown audience now larger and more energetic, Biden’s energy appeared to be heightened.

“I’ve lived in Pennsylvania longer than Oz has lived in Pennsylvania and moved out when I was 10,” said a fiery Biden.

As for Trump, his evening rally in Latrobe was part of a late blitzkrieg that also brought him to Florida and Ohio. Hope to create momentum for 2024 execution Expected to launch in days or weeks After voting ends.

Trump displayed recent poll figures on the rally’s big screen and called Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential Republican rival in 2024, “Ron DeSantimonias.”

And he raised the odds of election fraud this week by repeatedly falsely claiming that the Democrats lost the 2020 election simply because they rigged it. In part, because of such rhetoric, federal intelligence agencies have warned that political violence by far-right extremists could break out in the coming days.

Speaking of another White House bid, Trump said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you, in a very, very, very short period of time, you will be happy.” Republicans must win a historic victory one day.”


Madhani was reported from Joliet, Illinois, and Peoples was reported from New York. Associated Press reporters Jill Colvin and Michelle Price from New York contributed to this report.


For more information on the issues and factors that emerge in the midterm elections, please visit: https://apnews.com/hub/explaining-the-electionsAlso, follow AP’s election coverage for the 2022 election. https://apnews.com/hub/2022-midterm-elections.

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

https://www.local10.com/news/politics/2022/11/05/biden-obama-trump-make-final-midterm-push-in-pennsylvania/ “Quitting and mopping is not an option”

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