Home Health The Many Benefits of Mindfulness for Improved Well-being

The Many Benefits of Mindfulness for Improved Well-being


If you need an effective method to reduce stress and high blood pressure that has been tested and proven by science, meditation is a practice you must try. It enables lots of benefits such as ensuring good sleep, regulating blood circulation, and establishing a healthier lifestyle.

Meditations are commonly known for utilizing breathing and concentration techniques that condition the mind and body to stay put while clearing out thoughts. This allows you to regain peaceful harmony within your internal and external environments as well as your responses towards certain situations.

For those of you who don’t know, stress isn’t entirely a bad thing. It just serves as an alarm to warn you about the things going on around your body systems. By releasing certain hormones, you are able to carry out particular things as reactions to the circumstances you’re currently in.

But you need to remember that for every action, there’s a consecutive result and in this case, whatever your response towards the situation will naturally produce an effect on your body. Say you’re not happy with work or school and your response to it is by involving yourself with harmful or unhealthy habits like vices, you’d only put your health at risk and would only add up to your stress. Meditation produces the effects opposite to vices and is a safer method that has worked for people for a long time.

Meditation Helps in Developing a Healthy Lifestyle and a Positive Outlook

Countless researches have proven the effects of meditation have on people’s health. Better memory, regular oxygen flow, an active state of mind, and balanced mental health are several benefits on mindfulness meditation.

More benefits supported by such studies are listed below:

  • Better processing of information
  • slow the cognitive effects of aging
  • Making you look younger
  • Lesser chances of organs being at risk
  • Allowing the immune system to be more efficient
  • Higher pain tolerance
  • Decrease sleep deprivation

Those are just some of the pros of meditation but that’s enough for you to convince yourself in trying meditation!

Discover the Meditation Method that is Effective for You

For many years, many variations of meditation have been created and these are some examples:

  • Compassion meditation (metta or loving-kindness)
  • Insight or Vipassana meditation
  • Mantra meditation, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR),
  • Relaxation meditation
  • Chakra meditation
  • Transcendental meditation
  • Zen meditation
  • Yoga meditation
  • Qigong meditation

Meditation could be exercised just by sitting and concentrating in a quiet room. But, it may not work well for others. With meditation, you have the freedom to identify what type of meditation is working well for you and you can even make modifications to best cater to your needs. If you don’t know exactly where to start, you can read books about meditation or browse the Internet for guided meditations for beginners. That way, you learn more about the practice and you get to know yourself better.

One common meditation practice is transcendental meditation that emphasizes the importance of internal concentrations. This meditation allows you to focus on your thoughts and feelings but not let them interrupt your mind. For twenty minutes, you have your eyes closed at least twice a day to keep your thoughts organized or transform your negative thoughts into positive ones.

Another type is mindfulness meditation that allows you to focus on a particular sound, object, person, or idea to produce positive thoughts about them. This can either be prayers, chants or manifestations to ensure that we do not wish ill of these things as well as welcoming positive energy to them.

But contrary to what many think, meditation isn’t only done without actions. Movement meditation lets the person include dances and movements to channel the energy and balance their thoughts. Examples are yoga, Tai chi, and Qigong meditation in which these methods incorporate timed dances or movements with breathing to let you feel the bodily sensations as well as channel the energy existing in the environment around you. You don’t have to be an exceptional dancer to get you to try such meditation methods since anyone, even kids could also practice them. Meditation is a flexible activity; it can be done indoors or outdoors, in a noisy or active environment, accompanied by music or with silence, and can be done alone or with a group of people.

Wrapping up

Remember that meditation is not the cure for diseases and illnesses. It is just a supplementary activity to support other healthy activities in achieving the right kind of lifestyle. Therefore, you should not neglect other activities such as eating the right amount of food, maintaining a balanced weight, exercising regularly, and more.

Meditation is not done at a single time or day. It requires you to be consistent in practicing it by choosing the appropriate time that works best for you. Moreover, the type of meditation that is effective for others may not always be effective for you. So, it is highly recommended that you experiment with different types of meditation and assess which ones have helped you the most.