Home Lifestyle The Powerful Symbolism of The Shofar

The Powerful Symbolism of The Shofar


The Powerful Symbolism of The Shofar 

The shofar is one of the oldest biblical instruments that date back to the early B.C. No other instrument has managed to engrain its way into modern-day religion as the shofar has. It’s so symbolic that even some modern-day Christians have appropriated it as their own, although they use it differently. 

In Judaism, it’s more than a call-to-action as it is with Christianity. It’s a powerfully symbolic instrument found in many Jewish households – read on to learn more about it.

Its Origins

The first biblical symbolism of the shofar comes from the old testament. It’s mentioned in the Pentateuch but derives from the term sapparu, an Assyrian word for mountain goat, and it’s frequently linked with other terms like ram and horn. Concerning the ram’s horn, it obviously resonates with the idea of faith and divine mercy. Despite being referenced in some form throughout the old-testament, the origins of the shofar symbolized war and ceremonies.

The shofar also symbolized the ram that Abraham offers to God as a sacrifice in place of his son, Isaac. Even though there are numerous mentions of the shofar in the Hebrew Bible, many consider this to be the most symbolic as it’s an example of heroism and the faith of forefathers. 

Many also believe it’s a reminder to stay humble in the wake of God’s glory and reminds Jews that God is the source of life – in that context, the shofar signals the coming of the Messiah.

Its Powerful Modern-Day Symbolism

The adaptation of the centuries hasn’t lost its original meaning. The shofar is primarily made from ram’s horns as per the old testament and Hebrew Bible – click here to see examples of a modern shofar.

The shofar sounds during three occasions, the month of Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur. Modern-day shofar use is most symbolic during Rosh Hashanah and the call to repentance. In the Torah, Jewish people follow the commandment that on the first day of the seventh month – the Jewish New Year – ‘You shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts.’

Rabbis interpreted this to mean blasts of the shofar, and therefore, at Rosh Hashanah, the sounds of the shofar call out far and wide. It signals Jewish people to look within and be free from sin – starting the new year fresh. Once the ten days of repentance end, signalling the end of Yom Kippur, the shofar sounds to mark God’s ascension to higher realms and is also another symbolism for the chance at a new beginning.

How Other Religions Use The Shofar

Christianity has appropriated the shofar for its own uses – but uses it primarily as a call to prayer. Still, few Christians opt to use the shofar to signify a call to prayer. In ancient African culture and religion, the shofar was for the banishing of devil spirits – a practice still used today. It’s typically Judaism and practicing Jews that keep the symbolism of the shofar alive.

The powerful symbolism of the shofar will continue for hundreds of years – so long as its meaning carries through to the next generations. It’s practicing Jews keeping the shofar alive and relevant – and its incredible symbolism for the celebration of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are ingrained in Jewish religious culture forever.