Home Florida Top 5 Flat fee MLS listing services in Florida

Top 5 Flat fee MLS listing services in Florida


The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is an independent service that allows Realtors of the local Board of Realtors to search for real estate MLS listings for sale. This service includes new and resale residences. 

The MLS does not work directly with real estate buyers or sellers, and it does not get any commissions or referral fees from any of the transactions that occur.

Pros of Flat fee MLS listing services

  • With a price agreement, you know what you’re getting yourself into. Always inquire about closing charges, as these are often the hidden costs of Flat Fee MLS Services.
  • Hundreds of websites are available to sell your home online. Depending on the Flat Fee MLS Service and plan you choose, you may be limited in how many photographs you can use or how much you can change the description.

Cons of Flat fee MLS listing services

  • If you have urgent questions, you won’t likely have access to a specialized support concierge.
  • You’ll still have to pay a charge to get your home listed on the Multiple Listing Service.


Houzeo is a cutting-edge MLS listing platform that allows house sellers to advertise their properties on the MLS for a flat fee. Throughout the selling process, your listing agent will assist you. A flat fee MLS listing saves you roughly half the realtor’s commission in Florida.

Pros of Houzeo

  • On the Houzeo app, you can fill out, sign, and submit your seller’s paperwork.
  • 100% automated with an internet presence.
  • Houzeo auto-fills publicly available info about your property when you input your address.
  • There are no hidden costs.
  • You can purchase additional services such as contract reviews, agent showings, and professional showings.
  • MLS exposure to the fullest
  • Several services at a reasonable price
  • Listing and listing modifications that happen quickly
  • App available on mobile devices

Douglas Addeo

Douglas Addeo is one of Florida’s top real estate brokers, with over 24 years of expertise assisting For Sale By Owner sellers. He has strong ties to the numerous Realtor boards in Florida, and he gives exceptional service. 

Doug’s pricing is straightforward. You can be confident when working with a qualified and reputable broker when using Doug’s experience in your transaction. They offer excellent service for your listing. His services cost between $177 to $795.

Pros of Douglas Addeo

  • Doug Addeo has extensive knowledge of the Florida real estate market.
  • Full-service packages at an affordable price
  • There are no hidden fees.

Cons of Douglas Addeo

  • Low-tech adventure


Beycome is a cutting-edge real estate firm that makes it simple for property sellers to list their properties on the MLS in Florida. According to their money-back guarantee, you can cancel your purchase if you don’t sell or receive at least two offers within 90 days. 

Pros of Beycome

  • Uploading images, monitoring your listing, and receiving and negotiating offers are all included in their service.
  • Lists your home on the MLS in less than 3 days and keeps it there until it sells. 
  • You can utilize the two house value estimates that come with each package to help you price your home.
  • They offer you a free open house scheduler.

Cons of Beycome

  • Basic packages do not include comparative market analysis.
  • There is no documentation or assistance with paperwork.
  • Misrepresentation of the buyer’s agent fee. They charge 1% of the sale amount as a closing fee.
  • The flat fee does not cover the seller’s charges, closing costs, or fees.
  • The basic package does not include a yard sign or a lockbox.

Flat Fee MLS Realty

Flat Fee MLS Realty offers low-cost, Flat Fee MLS Florida packages. Stephen Hachey, the owner, and the broker has over 20 years of expertise in the real estate sector. It is best for Sellers on a tight budget who want to save as much money as possible.

Pros of Flat Fee MLS Realty

  • FlatFee.com keeps costs low by supplying the most important features, such as the MLS listing, photographs, and unlimited updates.
  • Customer support is quick, and the packages are reasonably priced.
  • Yard signage and key lockboxes are available for purchase online.
  • Best for first-time home sellers

Cons of Flat Fee MLS Realty

  • Only six images are included at the cheapest tier.
  • There is no support for displaying time or performing a comparative market analysis.
  • FlatFee.com, unlike some other businesses, does not provide downloaded seller paperwork.
  • The basic bundle does not include a lockbox.


XFlatFeeMLS offers a Deferred Payment Plan in which you pay $19 for setup and the remaining $380 at closing. If you cancel before the end of the term, you will be charged a $249 termination fee. 

XFlatFeeMLS additionally charges an additional $30-$300 for optional services. Furthermore, they do not provide complete online help. It is best for sellers looking for a simple, low-cost MLS listing with no frills.

Pros of XFlatFeeMLS

  • You have the option of delaying payment until after the transaction is completed.
  • The firm claims to beat any competitor’s price by 10%.
  • You will receive a full refund if you list with one of XFlatFeeMLS’s recommended full-service agents instead of selling FSBO.

Cons of XFlatFeeMLS

  • The deferred payment plan is about twice as expensive as the unlimited listing.
  • The website is difficult to navigate, and there is no online management of your listing or leads.

Alternatives – Sell by owner in Florida

Florida real estate regulations require sellers to disclose all relevant information regarding their property, including:

  • Environmental data (such as noise pollution, erosion, and whether the property is located in a flood plain)
  • Utilities 
  • Treatment of sewage and wastewater

Fill out the Seller Property Disclosure – Residential to make these disclosures. Potential buyers will review this document to ensure that the property does not have any deal-breaking problems. This form is available through your listing broker or straight from the Florida legislature.


Some smaller flat-fee MLS firms in Florida specialize in specific cities. Every flat-fee MLS service in Florida is unique. Read the fine print to ensure you’re receiving a good price when considering offers.