Home Business Understanding Medical Marijuana and CBD: A Guide for Floridians 

Understanding Medical Marijuana and CBD: A Guide for Floridians 


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Medical marijuana has been legal in the state of Florida since the Compassionate Use Act was passed in 2014. What this means is that if a physician prescribes it, a patient can use marijuana for medicinal purposes as long as they have the correct medical card.

Unfortunately, the laws of what is legal and illegal surrounding the use of marijuana, THC, and CBD are sometimes blurred or unclear. They are also constantly evolving, so it’s essential to keep up to date with the market and to stay aware of any changes.

As of now, however, here is all you need to know about medical marijuana in Florida, along with some information on the difference between cannabis and products derived from THC and CBD.

Medical Marijuana in Florida

The use of marijuana is only permissible in Florida when a doctor prescribes it after a physical certification. Cannabis, in this sense, can be prescribed in the form of edibles, tinctures, or smokables, depending on the requirements and preferences of the patient.

If you have any of the following illnesses or symptoms, you may be considered eligible for a medical marijuana card:

  • Cancer: Cannabis is sometimes used to treat nausea from chemotherapy, but the connection between cancer and THC is often unclear.
  • Chronic Back Pain: Properties in Marijuana have been known to reduce pain from inflammation and other problems in the back.
  • HIV/AIDS: With autoimmune diseases like HIV/AIDS, cannabis can be prescribed to numb nerve pain and even stimulate appetite.

Though there are definitely many more instances in which medicinal cannabis may be prescribed, these are some of the most common examples. However, remember that you may not be given a prescription just because you suffer from something in the above list.

Prescriptions depend on the severity and various other factors that change from person to person, and there is no guarantee that any cannabis treatment will be effective, as current studies are, at the present moment, experimental.

Hemp Products

Most CBD products are derived from hemp plants rather than cannabis. Because hemp has a lower content of THC, the compound in weed, which creates a high, hemp is often used to create a wide range of supplements used for everything from anti-inflammatories to shampoo.

Delta 8 vs Delta 9

If you begin to search for CDB products, one of the first questions you may arrive at while you shop is, what’s the difference between Delta-8 and 9? All of these products, from D9 THC edibles to d8 thc gummies, will produce a high, as, put simply, they contain different forms of THC.

Though the delta-9 and delta-8 strains are very similar, their slight differences in chemical composition may produce different effects from person to person. In general, though, delta 8 and 9 products may help with the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain

Under misinterpretation of the laws, people often categorize CBD and THC products under the banner of medicinal cannabis. There are some critical differences between the products that explain why they are legal

To clear up any confusion, though the laws often differ between states, the general rule for any full-spectrum products (products that contain THC) is that they must either meet or be below a percentage of 0.3 in THC content to be sold legally.

So, although these delta products create a high feeling, it will neither be overpowering nor illegal. Keep in mind that there are also plenty of CBD products that do not contain THC as well.

Broad Spectrum Products

THC-free products, also known as broad-spectrum products, often have fewer side effects and, as mentioned, do not produce a high. And though they are less powerful and sometimes less effective, THC-free oil, in particular, has been known to boost the body’s endocannabinoid system and, among other things, promote better sleep.

Final Thoughts

With marijuana being made legal in more and more states across the country during the last few years, we expect to see the currently limited research on medicinal marijuana and the use of THC expand exponentially. For Florida, the use of marijuana for recreational purposes remains illegal, though even this could be subject to change.

Whether medicinal or otherwise, concerns surrounding the potential consequences of marijuana legalization range from the ethical to the medical and even the religious, and despite how controversial the topic is, it seems more and more likely that more states will follow suit and legalize cannabis.

For an example of this controversy, click here for an article discussing how a change in legislation could change pre-employment drug tests.