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US election 2024 polls: Biden and Trump tied across most polling

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Across the board, polls about the 2024 presidential election show President Joe Biden and ex-president Donald Trump are neck-and-neck.

Polling from CNN, the New York Times / Sienna College and the Wall Street Journal all indicate Mr Biden and Mr Trump tied with each other or within one point of one another.

The findings point to Democratic voters’ disapproval of Mr Biden and the stronghold Mr Trump has over right-wing voters – which lends a problem for the Democratic party with the election on the horizon.

Democratic or Democrat-leaning voters have strongly said they want a different candidate than Mr Biden. Polling from CNN found that 82 per cent of voters said they want to see the Democratic Party nominate “someone besides Joe Biden” for office.

Mr Biden’s approval rating has recently dropped along with voters’ confidence in his ability to run for re-election.

The WSJ poll found that more than half of US voters believe Mr Biden is “too told” to seek a second term despite being only three years older than Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.


Trump, DeSantis and other 2024 GOP prospects vie for attention at Iowa-Iowa State football game

Ariana Baio12 September 2023 14:00


Trump says ending Roe v Wade ‘cost us politically’

Donald Trump has repeatedly taken credit for the US Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to revoke a constitutional right to abortion care, a landmark ruling that has upended abortion access for millions of Americans in the months that followed.

Within his one four-year term, the former president appointed three conservative justices to the nine-member panel, tilting the court’s ideological balance in a promised effort to achieve a long-held Republican goal of overturning the 1973 decision in Roe v Wade.

In remarks to a crowd of supporters at a South Dakota rally on 8 September, the former president – who once said “I’m the one that got rid of Roe v Wade” – admitted that the Supreme Court decision has “probably cost” the GOP politically.

“Last year, those justices bravely and incredibly ruled on something that everybody has wanted for decades,” Mr Trump said. “They ruled to end Roe v Wade. That was a big thing. And it’s probably cost us politically, because the other side got energised.”

Ariana Baio12 September 2023 11:00


DeSantis team admits they might have to settle for second place in Iowa

He’s made a close ally in the state’s governor. He attended the state fair, and yucked it up with Republican voters in person. But Ron DeSantis still can’t seem to make any headway against Donald Trump in Iowa.

Now, a DeSantis campaign official is telling Politico that the Florida governor’s campaign is preparing for the likelihood of a second-place finish in the first-in-the-nation caucus next year. Doing so, they say, would underscore the GOP primary as a two-person race.

Ariana Baio12 September 2023 08:00


Gavin Newsom tamps down speculation that he will run for president in 2024

California governor Gavin Newsom is offering reporters and critics of Joe Biden a reality check in terms of the 2024 election.

Mr Newsom was speaking to the Today show for an interview when he was once again presented with murmurs that he could enter the race for president. Many in the media have speculated that the governor would launch his own bid if the incumbent president, Joe Biden, 80, reconsidered his decision to stand for another four years.

“I think the vice president is naturally the one lined up, and the filing deadlines are quickly coming to pass, and I think we need to move past this notion that he’s not going to run,” Mr Newsom said in the interview.

He’s not wrong about the filing deadlines: The earliest hard deadline is coming up on 16 October, when the state of Nevada will cease accepting major-party entrants for the 2024 caucuses. Other states have deadlines throughout November; were Mr Newsom or another Democrat to decide to run after those deadlines, they could be locked out of receiving delegates from those primaries simply because they weren’t on the ballot.

Ariana Baio12 September 2023 05:00


Who is ahead in the Republican polls?

The 2024 presidential election is nearing and Donald Trump remains the strong frontrunner, according to FiveThirtyEight.

According to the polls as of 11 September here is where the GOP candidates stand:

Ron Desantis 13.2 per cent

Vivek Ramaswamy 7.4 per cent

Chris Christie 3.7 per cent

Dough Burgum 0.5 per cent

Asa Hutchinson 0.2 per cent

Ariana Baio12 September 2023 03:30


GOP senator explains what he might do if Trump is the nominee in 2024

A Republican senator who has long voiced his opposition to Donald Trump winning the GOP primary in 2024 is now saying he may not vote for either Joe Biden or Mr Trump next year if the two are their respective parties’ nominees.

Bill Cassidy spoke on Meet the Press on Sunday and explained that he would likely write in another candidate, essentially tossing away his vote, were the two to be on the ballot in November of 2024.

Ariana Baio12 September 2023 00:00


Biden and Trump tied in most polls

President Joe Biden and ex-president Donald Trump are tied with each other in most polls.

Surveys from The Wall Stree Journal, The New York Times and CNN all show the two are polling with a majority of votes split between them.

In the CNN poll, Mr Trump is ahead of Mr Biden by at least one per cent.

The findings suggest that Mr Trump’s stronghold over his party has not weakened even slightly, despite the numerous lawsuits and criminal cases he has coming up.

It also points to Democratic voters’ feelings toward the current president and how they’re hoping for another candidate to step in.

Ariana Baio11 September 2023 22:00


Who are the moderators for the second GOP debate?

After a fiery debate last month, Republican presidential candidates are preparing for a second presidential primary showdown on 27 September.

The debate is due to take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

Fox News Media’s Dana Perino and Stuart Varney and UNIVISION’s Ilia Calderón will co-moderate the second Republican presidential primary debate, the networks revealed 31 August.

Ariana Baio11 September 2023 19:00


RFK Jr boasts about polls numbers: ‘better then DeSantis’

Ariana Baio9 September 2023 05:00


Poll-challenged Pence channels the NFL in touting how he can catch up with Trump

Maybe he’s dreaming of a Hail Mary.

That might have been on former Vice President Mike Pence’s mind when likened his polling gap to former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race to an NFL game after a recent poll revealed a huge margin between the two candidates.

His comments came after a recent CNN poll of Republican-leaning voters showed the former president carrying 52 per cent compared to former VP Pence, who is at 7 per cent.

Ariana Baio9 September 2023 02:00

https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/polls-2024-election-trump-biden-gop-b2408099.html US election 2024 polls: Biden and Trump tied across most polling

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