Home Florida What Digital Tools To Download If You’re An Immigrant

What Digital Tools To Download If You’re An Immigrant


Being an immigrant in a new country is going to be challenging. There are a lot of cultural nuances that you might miss or routes and landmarks that are difficult to track. With how we rely a lot on technology and digital platforms, several tools can help immigrants adjust to their new environment.

Here are a few tools that can help new immigrants. Some are good for networking, while others are good for general purposes. They are also free of charge, although some premium plans have added features. But if utility is what you are after, it should be enough to use the basic versions.


LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networking sites today. Initially started as a professional network, people now use it to share career and personal milestones. It is beneficial for meeting peers and finding friends in a completely new environment.

You can also use it to look for jobs. The search option is a handy function for this purpose. You may even set a notification alert for new postings in your area. These will be sent to you both through their app and email.


FindHello is another tool that can help you as you settle into the new environment. The platform was made with immigrants in mind. It includes a directory of services and other helpful resources, such as legal support, medical and health facilities, and maps of the nearby area.

You do not need to make an account to access the website, which is a bonus. All information is downloadable, and there are other language options like Arabic and Spanish.


Reddit is not exactly an unknown platform. Millions of users utilize the application daily for news and entertainment purposes. But many countries and even cities have a subreddit for their community, making it a valuable tool if you have any questions about the locale.

You can also acquire skills through other subreddits, such as financial and culinary tips for those looking to save money through better habits.


Another social media website, HomeIs, was created to build a social networking site for immigrants. It combines multiple functionalities, such as groups, profiles, andpersonal posts. Users can share a wide variety of things with other immigrants, such as photos and videos of celebrations.

One good thing about HomeIs is that it allows people to share things about their culture. For example, if you’re afraid of losing your cultural identity in a new country, then you can use the site to tell people about practices you miss sharing with friends and family.

The website also has a job search function if you need more resources for work, although the options are not extensive. The site also has French and Spanish language support.

Settle In

Settle In was made for the use of refugees, although anybody that wants to move to the United States can use it to get information. Its resources are impressive, including information on housing and lodging, job openings, and language proficiency exercises. There are even games, puzzles, and other interactive activities to make the user experience more fun and engaging.

The website focuses on orienting people about the culture in the United States, such as customs that may be necessary to practice while integrating correctly. Language support is also diverse, including Arabic and Swahili, and Kinyarwanda. Dari is also supported.

Other websites and tools

You do not have to limit yourselves to smartphone-bound apps. Many websites that can be accessed on a web browser are helpful, especially if you need help with documents and paperwork. For legal services, it might help to try Total Law, a provider for people looking to migrate to other countries such as the United States.

If you are coming to a country like the UK with your spouse, you may also use Google. They have a wide range of services for people, including Maps, Translate, and Assistant. In addition, Google Maps provides you with general directions, showing you helpful information like public transport routes and estimated travel times.

If you are not well-versed in English, Google Translate can also help you. It supports up to ninety different languages. On the other hand, Google Assistant is also helpful for those looking for a convenient way to look up things on the internet. For instance, you might want to fast track spouse visa or find an immigration lawyer to speak to.

Whatever the case, many tools on the internet can help you adjust to your new environment. These are all platforms that you can share with your spouse, children, and other immigrant family members. Know that you are not alone even as you move to a completely different area.