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Aspects To Keep Focus On With A Weekly Workout Plan to Lose Weight


To be able to create a personal exercise program for yourself, it’s important to be familiarized with the basic components to incorporate into your exercise programs. Along with knowing about them, it is important to have an awareness of how they matter and affect your overall health.

Weekly workout plans only work with a balanced approach to physical activity as well as diet control. Many trainers excessively focus on this regime and encourage their clients to have a consistent plan to go with.

In this article, we have discussed the three fitness components that must be included in your workout plan according to your strength, stamina, and overall fitness level. Thus, the components will maximize the benefits along with offering a balanced workout.

Cardio – HIIT Workouts

Cardiovascular activities focus on getting your heart rate and breathing levels up. The major purpose of cardio exercises is to provide oxygen to the whole body and vital organs. According to the very reliable American Heart Association (AHA), these exercises also reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and lung infections.

Moreover, cardio is considered to be the best form to burn calories and fat off of the body after weight training. Along with helping to control appetite, it makes the metabolism system work well. Cardio is the perfect form to release the happy hormones called endorphins that improve mood, increases stamina, and helps maintain a better sleep schedule. The AHA recommends individuals perform moderate-intensity workouts for about 150 minutes a week along with 75 minutes of intense workout per week. Moderate level activities include brisk walking, tennis, dancing, mopping, and vacuuming, whereas high intensity and vigorous activities include running, jogging, fast biking, and so on. Ideally, a combination of both works best.

Resistance Training

If you have visited the fitness studio you probably know how important resistance training is. Trainers at Era Fit emphasize incorporating resistance training into the current  workout routine as these exercises are supposed to break down the weak tissues of  muscles and help in the synthesis of stronger muscles. These muscle tissues are supposed to get enlarged into a bigger muscle mass. The reason is, as we age, the lean muscle mass decreases and requires to be replaced. If we do not replace it with muscle, it will turn into fat.

Moreover, muscle strength also helps an individual with reduced signs of depression and chronic conditions and makes your quality of life better. It also maintains strength, balance, coordination, and stability in the body. And work towards building stronger bones.

Along with your 150 or 75 minutes of workout, AHA recommends incorporating strength training into your schedule for two days a week. You could achieve the purpose of strength training with resistance bands, free weights, machines, your body weight such as push-ups, planks, squats, etc.

Flexibility and Stretching

It is scientifically proven that a well-stretched muscle provides a full range of motion while increasing performance and decreasing the risk of injury. It makes daily activities like bending and reaching for something easier. Since it is a bit trickier and can’t be performed on your own, therefore, you should hire a trainer and ask personal trainer questions beforehand to make the journey smooth. The question should be about their education level, experience, what system they have in place for the success, expected results with the plan and the set of testimonials they can show you.

However, you must never overdo a stretch of a cold muscle before the workout, must hold a stretch for about 30 seconds only, and should focus on major and big muscle groups. These include thighs, arms, shoulders, and lower back. The stretch must be equal for both sides.

Weekly Workout Plan

A weekly workout plan must be focused on overall health and muscle endurance. It must be smart, intuitive, and has a little touch of variety.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or expert, your plan needs to be customized with a full-body approach. With that in mind, you can opt for more research on balanced exercises, however,

  1. On Mondays, focus on upper body training of at least 45 minutes with proper warm-up and cool down.
  2. On Tuesdays, choose to focus on lower body training of at least 30 minutes with proper warm-up and cool down. It’s best to choose resistance bands for the lower body.
  3. On Wednesdays, go with low-impact physical activity that is enjoyable and relaxing such as cycling, swimming, running, hiking, etc. The goal is to bring the heart rate up.
  4. Keep Thursdays for high-intensity training with intervals.
  5. Keep Fridays for full-body strength training and muscle stretching. Or you can take a rest day on Fridays and opt for the same approach on Saturdays.

Basic steps to create your own workout plan

To craft a successful weekly workout plan, read on and follow the steps to reap more results.

Think Specificity

Have you ever heard about the principle of training specificity? It means you begin with a specific muscle, body part or skill. It is pretty apparent yet to determine the effectiveness of the overall workout. It plays a critical role. Since you will be sure about the exercise you will incorporate into your routine, such as reducing weight, the exercise plan will be different for muscle gain or body strength.

Divide the days

It would be best if you plan how many times you will be able to hit the gym. That’s because if you manage to perform three or fewer sessions per week, then the best choice will be to stick to the total body workout. On the flip side, if you can do four or more times a week, divide them to prevent overtraining.

Decide on a set-rep-rest scheme

Deciding how many sets and reps will suffice for each exercise, think back to fitness goals. Since you want to shed pounds, high rep schemes, like three sets of 15 to 20 reps, are good. If you decrease the number of reps per set, consider increasing the load you are lifting.

Switch things up

When you manage to craft a perfect sweat session, it does not mean you will continue doing it for months. To spice things up and reap more advantages, it is important to swap exercises with the more challenging ones as the body adapts to whatever stress is being applied after eight to twelve weeks. Performing the same exercise with different equipment will also be an option that works well! However, changing the exercise variation will always be the best possible solution to make the most from the workout plan.

How often should I work out?

There is no hard and fast information about what should be the appropriate days for a person to work out. If you want to amp up your physical health, the magic number is however contingent upon how active you already are. The physical and mental benefits start appearing when you workout once a week, the trick works for people who have never engaged themselves in any physical activity before. In contrast to this, if you are a physical enthusiast and already engage yourself in a number of physical activities then bear in mind workout once a day can not suffice for you! You need to challenge the body harder to make the process. The ideal fitness routine, in a nutshell, should include two workouts a week that you should gradually increase with the passage of time.

Wrapping up

We all understand exercise is important for physical and mental health but exercise or workouts become mandatory if you want to shed some pounds. There are a number of exercises that help you reduce fat so that you get an ideal lean body. Exercises like forwarding Lunge, Burpee, Explosive Lunge, squat, double jump, bodyweight balance, jumping rope, kettlebell swing are some of the exercises that help to gain a slim body.