Home Lifestyle Best tips for packing & moving electronics

Best tips for packing & moving electronics


Electronic devices, gadgets, and technological appliances – whatever you call it, they’re a mess to move. The dozens of wires, which inevitably get tangled together, fine electrical pieces inside and outside which might get damaged, not to mention the polished design. Any scratches on the screens, surfaces, or other areas will be less appealing to look at, so secure packaging and moving services in Adelaide are key to arriving at the destination in a good mood, and keeping it throughout the unpacking process.

Today’s topic will guide you through the typical measures you should undertake when moving electronic devices and help you in making the right choice when it comes to every aspect of the move. From selecting the right moving company to packing tips – everything is included in this guide. Let’s dive in!

1.   Packing everything

That’s right when packing one of the first moving rules that you should respect is packing everything together. It might be tempting to move all the cables separately, for example, but that might either require you carefully bundle together the ones which belong together and label them accordingly or need perfect memory.

Save yourself the trouble, and pack as much as you can of each device together, while keeping every other appliance safely stored in a different box. This will be invaluable when piecing things back together as if remembering where each cable and widget goes isn’t difficult enough when dealing with one device. Making it a mix-and-match puzzle will simply create unnecessary nerves down the line.

Before packing, make sure to empty the devices of any batteries, toners, cartridges, or other paraphernalia. This ensures that during the move, no pieces are lost or damaged, since electronics aren’t exactly designed to be moved around at high speeds. For instance, before packing a TV for moving, make sure that there aren’t any DVDs or Blu-rays inside it – and that you’re packing the DVD player separately if it’s not directly part of the TV.

2.   Computer woes

Our personal computers are like personalized, frozen mirrors into our inner world. As much as the internet and the technological marvels that are computers give, they take a lot from us too: our names, faces, documents, and secrets. In that sense, make sure to protect it before moving it, and that means not just physically. If you’ve got work documents on it, unscrupulous individuals won’t even have to break in and steal your laptop – they can just copy them and sell them on the black market, to promote unfair competition, at the very least. A strong password on your computer, which you can remember easily, is the best measure against that.

In a similar vein in case your computer becomes forever damaged and repairs aren’t a realistic proposition, you’ll be overjoyed to have done backups before transportation. Cloud services are a dime a dozen these days, with free storage available practically everywhere. Upload it there, or keep your files on a separate physical hard drive, or even a USB device. Wherever you put them, make sure it’s not going to be transported on a moving day separately from you.

Finally, when moving a PC, remove all cables from the computer before transportation. Useful careful packing measures and transport the individual components in case of a PC (computer-block, monitor, headphones, etc.) separately.

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3.   Moving best practices

After you’re done using bubble wrap when packing every screen, filling the boxes to the top with packing material or soft fabrics to ensure there’s no wiggle room and everything is cushioned – you can start with the moving proper. As always, the key to transporting things at this phase is careful handling, getting some helping hands, and securing things firmly in place.

Your biggest enemy during the transportation is momentum – make sure there is no possible situation where your electronics would shift, as that can cause a cascading effect at the worst possible moment. Straps might be necessary in the case of especially fragile items you want to keep safe.

One of your top priorities should be labeling every box, including every device inside it, cables, and anything else. This will ease your life incredibly, as when you’ll be unpacking, you won’t have to sort through the myriad boxes just to get to what you need.

4.   Calling for help

There’s no better way to move electronics than with the help of a moving company, in terms of a quality job, and here’s why:

  • They’re experienced – if you’re planning to move your belongings yourself, think twice. In most cases of amateur moving practices, something goes wrong. Meanwhile, when experts supply the same service, every single day, it becomes mastered into an artform – a grace that is at an entirely different level. They’re the ones you go to for guarantees.
  • It’s affordable – speaking only on behalf of Express Moving Van Lines, moving doesn’t have to be exceedingly expensive, to the point you only ask for help if there’s no other choice. Work with your preferred movers to find a budget plan that will work for you – there are always options.
  • It’s safe – how many injuries have you heard of, that specifically have happened during or because of the move? Save your health as it’s one of your most important assets, and let professionals do the heavy lifting for you.
  • It’s guaranteed – one of the best parts of moving is that you don’t have to be stressed about what-ifs. Moving companies will do all the worrying for you when providing you with a delivery date and schedule. All you need to do is be ready to do the unpacking.
  • It’s insured – when you let your movers pack, you not only free out your time and let them handle the details of labeling your electronic devices, but it all gets included in their insurance. That’s ideal since if something might go wrong, you’ll be on the safe side of things, no matter what.

Following these tips, you’ll be guaranteed to get the best moving experience you can – that’s a promise!