Home Florida Is Tourism Finally Returning to Florida after a Hiatus?

Is Tourism Finally Returning to Florida after a Hiatus?


COVID-19 brought about significant changes that affected various industries. Top on the list of the sectors that were adversely affected is tourism. Travel restrictions made it almost impossible for people to visit their favorite destinations. For instance, Florida’s Keys, Walt Disney World, and Miami were closed. Thankfully, with the discovery of the COVID-19 vaccine, places, including holiday destinations, opened up. One such place is Florida. Miami and Disney World have welcomed travelers back. 

If you intend to visit your favorite destination in Florida or if seeing the place was one of your targets before the pandemic, don’t worry. All indicators show that tourism in the area is opening up following the pandemic. 

In fact, the number of tourists visiting Florida could be much higher than it was before the hiatus. Don’t you believe it? We are here to prove that Florida is booming with tourism after the travel restrictions were lifted. 

Let us explore.

Are there travel restrictions in Florida?

The simple answer to this is, “No.” In June 2020, Miami and the Florida Keys announced that they welcomed visitors back. Universal Orlando also opened up on June 5, while the Walt Disney World Resort opened on July 11.

The Keys reopened in phases. During the initial stages, there were restrictions on the lodging capacities and the number of people who could visit the beaches. However, today there are no restrictions. Tourism establishments and hotels must observe social distancing and disinfecting guidelines. You should also wear masks while visiting the place. After all, it is for your safety to follow the health guidelines established regarding the virus.  

In Miami, hotels, beaches, museums, attractions, restaurants, salons, retail stores, and parks were also allowed to reopen in June 2020. You are, however, required to keep social distance and wear masks as you visit Miami. Masks are mandatory while inside commercial businesses. While visiting the Miami back, make sure you have a face make on hand to show to the local authorities whenever required. You must wear it if you cannot keep a social distance of 6 feet. 

Basically, this is how life looks in all the Florida counties. Places have opened up for visitors, and everybody can travel there, but health guidelines must be followed. 

If you intend to travel to Florida, there is nothing to worry about. You need to be cautious and follow health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. 

How has the response been? 

In simple, the response has been overwhelming. US visitors are coming back to Florida in large numbers, more significant than before the pandemic. This has sparked celebration from various businesses that were affected by the pandemic. In August 2021, Visit Florida, the official marketing organization for the state, reported that Florida hosted 30.6 million US tourists during the second quarter of the year. This number is a 216 percent increase from 2002 and 6 percent higher from the 2019 spring before the emergence of the virus. 

While local tourists have come flocking to Florida, the county is experiencing a lag in visitors from other countries. According to Visit Florida, this could be occasioned by ongoing restrictions from other nations. The corporation reported that 1.1 million tourists visited the state in the second quarter of 2021. This was a considerable drop from the 3.5 million international tourists who visited in the 2nd quarter of 2019. 

Basic Requirements as you Travel to Florida

While there aren’t statewide requirements, please observe the following as you travel to Florida for your safety:

  • Maintain a distance of about 6 feet;
  • Always carry a mask along and wear it if you cannot maintain a social distance ;
  • Make sure you are vaccinated;
  • Ensure your medical insurance is comprehensive enough to allow evacuation in case of an emergency.


Now you see! Tourism is returning to Florida after the hiatus, and it is doing so with a bang! More and more people are visiting different destinations in Florida to enjoy the various attractions here. Don’t be left out. Play on your best online slots in the USA to get the money that will finance your trip to Florida.