Home Health More & More People are Getting into Online Cycling – Why?

More & More People are Getting into Online Cycling – Why?


Online cycling or cycling indoors is becoming a growing new trend among city dwellers these days. This could be because of the versatility of the exercise and the easiness it offers. The most common way people get into this trend is by using apps like Vingo. These apps generate virtual reality around the user and give them an outdoor experience while they cycle comfortably in their homes.

By far, Vingo is the best among those apps, and it offers a lot of features to its users. Here are some of them, and after getting through these, you sure will get into the trend too.

Get Easy and Hassle-Free workouts

With the Vingo app by your side, you can work out any time you want. Gone are the days when you had to cycle through the traffic in your city, fighting pollution by holding your breath often. Now, you can jump on your training bike any time you want, and Vingo will bring the outdoors to you. It uses high tech virtual reality software to take you into the online world, leaving your boring old room behind. You get into the virtual space and workout to your heart’s content. It’s as simple as that.

A Great UI Assistance

The Vingo app is loaded with a user-friendly interface. You can quickly get around the app and take control of all its functions in no time at all. By doing so, you can gain control of the way you exercise better. This is particularly necessary with Indoor cycling, since you will need to keep track of how much you progress every day and how it impacts your fitness in the long run. The app will keep track of your activity right from the moment you pair it with your training bike. As for how you connect the app with your bike, here’s your answer

Easy Device Management

You can install the app on your smartphone, just like you install any other app from the App Store. You can also install it on your iPad, or even your Smart TV. The bigger the screen, the better your experience. Once you install it, you can connect your device with your training bike via Bluetooth. If you have an older model training bike and don’t have Bluetooth connectivity, relax, you can always enter your speed, resistance settings, etc manually on the Indoor cycling app.

You Can Use a Multifunctional App for Cycling

The Vingo app can be used for indoor running as well. You can pair the app with your treadmill all the while you have it connected with a training bike. This is why it is called the best run app in the marketplace. You can spice up your exercise routine by shifting between running and cycling on alternate days.

By using this great app, you can give all the urgent care that you need for building a strong and happy life.

So, what are you waiting for? Install the app and cycle into fitness already.