Home Florida The Current Legal Status of Online Gambling in Florida

The Current Legal Status of Online Gambling in Florida


The online gambling scene in the United States is in a state of flux of late. Several US states have made radical alterations to their gambling laws. Some – such as New Jersey – have practically legalised all forms of online gambling regulated in the state. Others have taken a more reserved approach, only legalising sports betting and not casino gaming. Where does Florida stand on the issue? What is the current legal status of online gambling in Florida? It is time we took an in-depth look and found out.

Is Online Gambling Legal in Florida?

Officially, there are no laws specifically written which pertain to online gambling in the Sunshine State. There is, however, a small section of the law that states that games of cards, keno, roulette, faro and other games of chance “by any device” for “money or other things of value” are illegal. The term “any device” can be used to refer to online gambling, albeit in a cloak-and-dagger kind of way, we’d say. With that in mind, no, online gambling is not legal in Florida.

What About Sports Betting and Poker?

You might have spotted a loophole. Poker is a game of skill, not a game of chance, right? In most countries and some states, you’d be right to think so. Not in Florida, though.

There is another lengthy passage (Section 849.14) which covers games of skill if you’re interested in reading it. In short, it defines games of skill as illegal, too. However, another loophole in this law suggests that it only applies to land-based games, as no “device” is mentioned. That said, we can still take it to mean that gambling online on games of skill such as poker are illegal.

If you were thinking of placing your faith in sports betting or fantasy sports, you’d have no luck there, either. Both are not yet legal in Florida.

So, Can I Gamble at All in Florida?

Yes and no. You are free to gamble at land-based venues (which are licensed), and there are always offshore casinos you can join. In theory, Florida’s laws only apply to Florida-based gambling enterprises. An online casino based offshore wouldn’t necessarily fall under those laws.

Many Floridians opt to play at offshore casinos, and a good number of these offer mobile gameplay, too. If you want to bet online in Florida, sites like 777 Casino have got you covered.

Play at the Best Mobile Casinos in Florida

Of course, if you’re going to technically break the law and play at foreign casinos, you need to pick the best site in the business. There are quite a few sites which could claim to be the best mobile casino. Ultimately, any casino you join should offer you mobile gameplay. They should also provide you with a variety of US-friendly payment methods, and supply you with a series of games, ideally from multiple developers. They should also serve up enticing but fair promotions and bonuses and have reliable support. Most important of all, though; they should be legal and licensed online casinos that accept players from Florida.