There are many ways to get divorced, but if you are seeking not only a fast divorce but a qualitative and fruitful one, a collaborative divorce is a right choice for you to get the expected results.
Collaborative divorce is the process, which takes place out of the court and is discussed privately between parties and their attorneys. If you can get along with your soon-to-be-ex, this is the best way to arrange your divorce and life afterward with benefits for both sides. A collaborative divorce participation agreement will help you organize and guide the process to an amicable and fair agreement.
Benefits of Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative divorce is a highly beneficial process if both parties are ready to cooperate and conduct a fair and integral divorce. When you are open for discussion and cooperation, all headache you will have is only with completing forms for divorce, while a good faith agreement with the other part will guarantee your cloudless future. Moreover, if you work with professionals or get a qualitative consultation from divorce platforms, such as OnlineDivorcer, then no paperwork will be stressful for you.
Among multiple privileges you get with the collaborative divorce, the major are the following ones:
- Save time and money – while litigation and other divorce court processes may last up to a whole year and drain your savings, collaboration is usually a short-term process that requires minimum expenses. It all depends on you and your partner, if you cooperate well and come to a fast and fair agreement, your divorce will be as quick and pleasant as possible.
- Less harm to children – children suffer more from the divorce process than adults do, they are more vulnerable and are greatly worried about their family falling apart. To prevent your kids from suffering you are to choose collaborative divorce. It will allow you to discuss all issues between adults and professionals and keep amicable relationships with your partner. So that your children will share your calm and organized attitude to the divorce.
- Fair resolutions – collaborative divorce requires good faith cooperation and fair resolutions for both parties. This enables both you and your partner to reach the most beneficial divorce outcomes and live calmly and happily afterward.
Participation Agreement: How to Make It Work
When you decide to proceed with the collaborative divorce, you need to sign a participation agreement. The agreement guarantees your goodwill and readiness to cooperate, it makes the collaborative process work both for you and your partner’s benefits. Here is a look inside the principles and ingredients that make the process relevant.
- Cooperative process – the main and obvious principle is your readiness to cooperate. You must realize that you come to the meeting of a collaborative divorce not to win over your spouse or get a more beneficial position but to bargain and discuss a fair resolution for both sides.
- No court intervention – when partners sign a participation agreement, they agree not to seek court intervention. This is a better option for both divorcees, since they can decide on their own what is more beneficial for their family and divorced life, but not the court which often cannot make an objective judgment, due to lack of knowledge of the situation.
- Professional assistance – partners are expected to seek any necessary help from appropriate professionals to deal with the situation fairly and get the best outcomes for both parties.
- Insulating the children – collaborative divorce is conducted in the way to leave children maximum uninvolved in the process. But at the same time, their wellness and needs are taken as the priorities during the decision-making process.
- Collaboration is not a panacea – collaboration is not expected to work in all the cases and all the processes. It doesn’t guarantee some magical solution to all of your divorce issues. So, there are cases when you need to terminate the process and continue in a different direction.
- Good faith – the cooperation during the collaborative divorce procedure is based on the good faith of every participant and determination to reach fair resolutions for both sides.
- Limitations for the attorney – if the attorney discovers hiding or using fake information by the client, he/she should quit the process and seek its termination immediately. When the collaboration is terminated for any reason, the attorney cannot assist the client in a different process, another lawyer should be hired.
- Termination of the process – any of the parts can freely terminate the collaborative divorce any time for a certain reason, more when he/she discovers the violation of any principles or rules of collaboration.
Anyway, when you search for a divorce applications form and decide what way your divorce is going to proceed, you are strongly advised to choose collaborative divorce. It doesn’t guarantee the disappearing of all your problems, but it will give you the ability to cope with the divorce process fairly and with maximum benefits for both sides.