Home Health Will Delta-8 Help With Stress?

Will Delta-8 Help With Stress?


The cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant have varying effects depending on their chemical makeup. Delta-8 THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol-7 or Δ-THC is one of many cannabinoids found in Cannabis that are known for their analgesic abilities.

Delta-8 has been shown to reduce pain levels by causing the body to release endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that attach themselves to cannabinoid receptors in your brain and cells.

The ECS regulates functions like pain, inflammation, mood, sleep, learning and memory, digestion, appetite, etc. So when stressors invade our everyday lives it can cause our bodies’ homeostasis (or balance) to go out of whack.

This cannabinoid reduces overall anxiety and lowers the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) that’s released into the bloodstream.

Delta-8 THC is similar in structure to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most common cannabinoid responsible for getting users ‘high’. Delta-8 has a similar molecular composition, but it doesn’t produce psychoactive effects as its cousin does.

Delta-8 & Anxiety: What Does The Research Say?

The evidence is promising that this cannabinoid may have chemical properties that are effective in treating anxiety. To date, there are no published clinical trials on using delta-8 THC for stress relief or anxiety.

However, one study has shown it to significantly lower cortisol levels in subjects after a stressful situation was introduced. But for most people, this is a bit complicated because delta-8 THC isn’t legal in every state.

However, you might be able to get it if you have a relevant medical condition and live in a state with relaxed cannabis laws enough to allow its use for medicine.

The findings from this study show that cannabinoids can have positive effects on individuals that are under stress by reducing the release of cortisol into the bloodstream.

But more research needs to be done before we will know how effective this cannabinoid is when dealing with anxiety and other chronic conditions.

How Does It Work?

Scientifically, delta-8 THC acts on the CB2 receptor (that’s in your immune system) and not the CB1 receptor as THC does. This is why it doesn’t make you feel high, even at higher doses, calling into question its ability to act as an antidepressant.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which delta-8 activates, is involved with regulating functions like mood, sleep, stress levels, and pain. The ECS also plays a role in appetite control and memory processing.

Delta-8 may have some potential for helping people who are struggling with depression or other mood disorders by increasing their appetite so they can gain weight. But more research needs to be conducted before we will understand the full scope of this compound’s effects on mood disorders.

There has been some research showing delta-8 may have potential benefits for controlling seizures. However, this hasn’t been confirmed by further studies, so the jury is still out on this one.

And because Delta-8 THC doesn’t do much for psychoactive properties there’s no danger of getting users ‘high’ or experiencing feelings of euphoria. That said, it does induce a sense of calm and balance that can allow users to relax and enjoy their high with less anxiety than taking other types of cannabis would cause them.

With consumption, delta-8 works differently through different methods of consumption. When smoked, delta-8 will cause the mind and body to relax as it enters the bloodstream.

This cannabinoid can also be ingested through edibles or tinctures, which usually takes longer for the effects to kick in. While delta-8 THC is not as potent as other cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), consumers still experience a calming effect that lasts for hours after consuming.

Since there is limited knowledge of this cannabinoid due to its legal status, we should further investigate how effective it really is when treating stress and anxiety-related disorders.

When purchasing cannabis products containing delta-8 THC make sure you buy from a reputable dispensary where you know exactly what strains contain the right amount of this cannabinoid.

Be sure to ask your budtender about how you can use delta-8 THC to treat your specific condition, whether it’s stress, anxiety, chronic pain, or another medical issue.

Are There Any Side Effects?

As long as the dosage is controlled, delta-8 appears to be largely safe when used properly. However, it still does have some side effects that may cause problems for some people.

Common negative side effects of delta-8 THC can include dry mouth, bloodshot eyes, increased appetite, sleepiness or drowsiness, and dizziness.

Because this cannabinoid is psychoactive in lower doses, these symptoms are all generally reversible with the use of medical interventions like decarboxylation (or heating) before consumption.

And because this cannabinoid isn’t illegal in most states users don’t need to worry about legal repercussions if they attempt to seek help in an emergency situation due to overconsumption of delta-8 THC.

However, one study found that the use of delta-8 THC in large doses may cause a range of side effects including increased heart rate, dry mouth, and nausea.

While it’s important to know what dosage levels are before using delta-8 THC, it shouldn’t detract from its usefulness since these side effects can be mitigated by adjusting how you consume the cannabinoid.

Delta-8 is considered safe for most people when consumed at appropriate dosage levels. However, there is not enough research on this cannabinoid to definitively say that zero negative side effects exist when used properly.

We will need more long-term studies to determine if there are any issues with taking too much of this compound in your system for a prolonged period of time.

What Else Should I Know?

Delta-8 from Mr. Hemp Flower should also be stored in a cool, dark place to make sure it doesn’t degrade or change chemically over time. While delta-8 THC is non-psychoactive when used recreationally if you are using this cannabinoid for medical reasons it’s important that you plan ahead and get the dosage right so you don’t experience any negative side effects.

Like other cannabinoids, if consumed properly delta-8 will have a calming effect on your mind and body that can help keep your stress levels down instead of heightened. However, more research needs to be conducted before we have a complete understanding of how delta-8 works with our bodies to fight off anxiety symptoms.

Lastly, because there are still many unknowns about delta-8, it’s important that you don’t try anything new on your own or without consulting a doctor. If you do decide to experiment with this cannabinoid, start out slow and be sure to note what dosage seems effective for you so you can continue using it as an anxiety relief method in the future.

Legal Status Of D8?

Delta-8 THC is legal for recreational use in some states, but it’s still considered federally illegal in some. The safest way to purchase products with this cannabinoid is from a dispensary that you know to be reputable and where you can find out exactly what type of product they are selling.

The 2019 Farm Bill recognized delta-8 THC that has been purely derived from hemp and only contains less than 0.3% THC as a legal agricultural product. This means that it is legal to buy and use it.

From a federal standpoint, delta-8 THC that comes from CBD or industrial hemp products will not be prosecuted as long as it has been solely extracted from hemp. If you live in a state where it’s illegal to purchase marijuana products, then you may want to consider double-checking the D8 regulations as well.

How is Delta-8 THC Made?

Delta-8 THC is made by extracting delta-9 THC and converting it into delta-8. This process is done with a chemical reaction called decarboxylation which converts the acid forms of cannabinoids found in cannabis plants into the natural non-acidic forms we’re familiar with. The process involves heating delta-9 THC into delta-8 THC and then testing to make sure that only delta-8 is present in the end product.

New Trends & Products With Delta 8

There are some new trends that have been surfacing lately with regards to Delta 8 THC and the products that can be made with it. One of these is what we refer to as “natural isolate”.

Basically, natural isolates mean just that: isolated from nature instead. The best example we can give you is using a food-grade solvent such as ethanol or propane to remove all cannabinoids, terpenes, fatty acids, lipids, and other organic matter from the original cannabis strain.

This process leaves only the purest cannabinoid in its natural state which is why it’s considered to be a natural isolate. Delta 8 THC has also been used recently in vape cartridges because it can produce an extremely high-quality vaping experience with no throat hit or harshness at all when mixed proportionally with other cannabinoids.

To Sum Up…

Delta-8 is a subject of interest that can help with medical research to better understand its effects on pain management and neural conditions.

Delta-8 THC is being tested for use in other forms, such as gummies and other edibles, cosmetics, and even vaporizing products. It is legal to use without a prescription in some states, but it’s still federally illegal in some.

The best way to purchase delta-8 is from reputable dispensaries that sell CBD and hemp-derived products with no psychoactive ingredients.