Men tend to build muscle to appear more attractive, but what about the confidence drain that comes with knowing you have a small penis in your pants. Is this causing problems in your personal life?

Even psychologically, it’s confirmed that a small penis can upset regular sex. Here’s one of your best chances at nailing sexual complexes that create self-doubt in you. Of course, a large, strong penis is something that women appreciate while having sex.

How can you create one?

In the modern world, access to accurate and helpful information is our new gold. This article is a sack-full of rubies in the form of valuable insight and first-hand testimony about the fivebest self-tested penis extenders that might suit your preferences.

I don’t know your opinion about personal reviews, but I bet you’ll instead read an individual’s testimony than company descriptions about any product. Several reviews out there point to various penis straighteners and stretchers.

But I find it particularly convincing and exciting when I read from someone eager to help people make the right choice.

If you’re reading this line, you’re one of the lucky few who’ve found this review. I’m about to walk you through the corridors of my one-year-long experiences with five different penis stretching and straightening devices.

As a journalist and a man who was unhappy with my modest penis parameters, I decided to explore the functionaries and potentials of some carefully selected penis extenders. So, look at me! Imagine I can solve my penis problem and write to help someone make the right buying decision—plenty enough incentives! Right?

So, I ordered ALL five best extenders at once. I chose them based on the highest number of published reviews on the forums today, prioritizing first-hand customer reviews (of course!).

I must say that I got all the much-needed help! Not only did I buy the best penisstretchers, but I also learned how to use them and teach others to do the same to get results.

Now here are 5 best penis extenders 2021

#1.Quick Extender Pro (5/5 stars)


  • Success rate – 89%; Money-Back – 180-day; Free worldwide shipping; Benefits: Double Strap Support system, Memory foam pads, up to 4000 g tension springs; Prices: $119.93-$349.93; Discount code: MOPHP(80% OFF);

Quick Extender Pro has captured my interest and the attention of many users for a while now. Talk of the most efficient and comfortable device, using the double penis attachment technology (DSS); this device is superior!

Quick Extender Pro is a rod extender that works based on tension springs. The penis is attached in two places with silicone loops, with each loop having Foam pads.

This makes contact with the penis and its head as comfortable as possible. Also, the head of the penis is held in place using a special base for soothing stability.


  • The load on the penis, when worn, is distributed in two places, which makes it more comfortable to use
  • The penis does not slip while wearing the device
  • Bacteria do not accumulate under the hinges, as they are in special breathable Foam pads
  • Lightweight and easy to use – hardly felt on the penis
  • Lots of accessories for fine-tuning (different lengths of rods, different springs to work with pulling force)
  • Has the best comfort accessories, in my opinion ( Foam pads, Memory foam pads )
  • There is a penis pump in the maximum package of the device
  • A separate package for straightening the penis has been created. It contains the toughest springs, as well as the vitamin E complex. It helps you achieve results faster.

What I liked about the device(PROS):

  1. It’s easy to assemble, and it’s customized exactly for you
  2. I could wear it longer than other extenders of this type.
  3. I almost did not feel it on the penis because it was light.
  4. No side effects
  5. Used a penis pump to improve erection
  6. A reasonable price for the device even in the maximum package, since the manufacturer offers a huge number of additional accessories
  7. 180 days warranty
  8. Unique technology, not repeated on the market

What I didn’t like(CONS):

  1. Picked up the tension for a long time
  2. It is challenging to decide on a package if you want to save money
  3. Delivery takes up to 2 weeks to Europe, since the extender is sent from the USA
  4. Sometimes I wanted the bag to have rubber straps instead of silicone loops. They seem to be more pleasant to use.
  5. I did not see much difference between the DELUXE package and the penis straightening package. The packages looked the same

#2.Phallosan Forte (4/5 stars)


  • Success rate – 84%; Money-Back – NO; Worldwide shipping – FREE; Benefits: Vacuum-Adhesive system, PLUS rod version, Bonus: 4 condom sleeves(worth of $100); Prices: $379-$499;

The fact that Phallosan Forte was created in Germany adds a whole new context to the quality and efficiency we can expect. It’s a vacuum device that uses a tension belt and a special vacuum chamber(BELL) to hold the head of the penis.

It operates by a unique principle from other classic rod-and-belt designs.

Stretching takes place by adjusting the traction with a belt. Phallosan Forte has its tension scale with which you can measure the tension level. You can only doubt its simplicity, ease, and convenience before using it. It is loaded with comfort accessories for easy and prolonged use.

Don’t worry about the unique size of your penis; you can easily adjust according to the size of your penis head (it has three different BELLS). All you need is to create a vacuum, set the traction level that suits you, and get results.

Today, Phallosan Forte has released the optional PLUS attachment that allows you to set tension with springs and hold your penis with barbells.

What I like about this device:

  1. I can sleep with it, and it won’t be dangerous.
  2. The device can be worn very comfortably and invisibly. Just hide it in your underpants, and it won’t be noticeable
  3. It is very comfortable due to the presence of soft accessories and a vacuum chamber. Anatomically correct fixation
  4. The vacuum does not act directly on the penis glans, but by the technology of vacuum adhesion interacts with the condom that is worn on it
  5. The penis is securely attached to the device. I have never seen the settings go astray
  6. I could wear the device up to 6 hours a day with 1-2 breaks

What I didn’t like about Phallosan Forte:

  1. The extender must be worn for up to a year to see a good result.
  2. I had to buy additional accessories as condoms and membranes were torn (now I know it’s better to request free condoms when ordering).
  3. The PLUS device did not suit me very well as it was not comfortable to use with my penis width

Phallosan Forte results

I managed to get the first results within three months. It was a gradual growth of the penis in length and width, for a total of about 0.5 inches. I couldn’t use it for a longer time. I wanted to try another device.

#3. Penimaster PRO Complete Set (3/5 stars)


  • Success rate – 74%;Warranty– 5 years; Worldwide shipping – FREE; Benefits: Rod, Belt Extender, soft and gentle tension; Prices: $229-$344;

What is this device?

Penimaster PRO is also a vacuum adhesive device, and the principle of its operation is similar to the Phallosan Forte. But the design of the devices is radically different. While the Phallosan Forte vacuum is created with a small pump, the Penimaster PRO has a removable vacuum bulb.

Moreover, a Penimaster PRO Complete Set, which I recommend buying, includes the rock structure with tension screws. It can be alternated using the Rod Expander.

In general, I must say that the device itself can be purchased as an independent device(Basic system), as well as in Belt Extender and Rod Expander formats. But if you choose the most expensive option – the Complete Set, you will definitely get everything you need to stretch the penis effectively.

What I liked about Penimaster PRO:

  1. Comfort and quality of the device. Everything worked very clearly and painlessly
  2. It is believed that the load for penis enlargement needs to be changed. So, half the time, I use Belt Expander, and another half – Rod Expander.
  3. Penimaster PRO Complete Set has a convenient carrying case in which I can easily put all the components of the device
  4. The Belt Expander version can be used in 3 versions – over the shoulder, belt, hip belt, or even knee belt. Many options make it possible to change the type of load, and this has a good effect on performance

What I didn’t like about Penimaster PRO:

  1. I would call the process of putting on the device very inconvenient. It was difficult for me to figure it out and do everything right to create a vacuum, set the tension with the belts since there is no indication scale
  2. Membranes and condoms are very delicate and break quickly
  3. Any vacuum adhesive penis stretching device is considered less effective in terms of getting maximum results in a short time.

Penimaster PRO results

In 3 months of using the device, I have enlarged my penis 1 inch in length and 0.3 inches in width. This is a good result for this type of device. It seemed to be more effective than Phallosan Forte but less clear in operation.

#4 Penimaster Chrome(Classic) (2/5 stars)


  • Success rate – 68%;Warranty– 5 years; Worldwide shipping – FREE; Benefits: Patented safety clip, 3 additional holding belts, materials pleasant to skin, matching each penis size; Prices: $178;

What is this device?

This is the first device in the Penimaster line, which is now famous for the new PRO version based on the vacuum chamber. At the same time, the classic design of the device with a strap for attaching the penis glans, barbells, and tension screws has not exhausted itself.

But I would not call the Penimaster Chromedesign completely classic because the Penimaster had its peculiarities from the very beginning. I consider this device to be the most comfortable among this type of device.

And all because:

  1. Penimaster Chrome has a very soft strap
  2. There are special comfort clips for quick fixation and detachment of the penis from the base
  3. The number of rods and the precision of the tension make the device unique and the most efficient.
  4. You can expect to see the tension up to 1200 g

What do I dislike about Penimaster Chrome?

  1. This is the only device in its class that I have not found any drawbacks. Well, everything here is perfect in German
  2. It’s a long-term device that can provoke discomfort.


I want to point out that using Penimaster Chrome was the most effective for me. While I had to take care of the device, wash the strap and add protection between the strap and the penis.

I often did this with similar devices in order to wear them longer. It is simply impossible to wear such anextender for more than 2 hours. It still rubs the head of the penis. After 3 weeks, I noticed the growth, and after two months, I added about 0.5 inches in length to my penis size.

#5.Male Edge (1/5 stars)

  • Success rate – 65%;Warranty– 2 years; Worldwide shipping – FREE; Money-back guarantee:1000 hours of training;Benefits: Pre-assembled device, 3 penis traction levels, lightweight, easy to use; Prices: $149-$199;

What is Male Edge?

Male Edge is the most extraordinary in its design and technology of work. It has many advantages over other penis enlargement devices on the market, and most importantly, it does not need to be assembled.

Not all men like this constructor game, so getting an assembled a penis extender is the best option for many.

With all this, the stretcher is tested and approved. It has been on sale for many years and has its set of admirers.

Here are some of Male Edge main benefits

  1. It is very light and can be worn for a long time without discomfort
  2. You can set the bar length and tension by simply twisting the barbells clockwise and pulling them out.
  3. There are three load levels for personalization: 1200 gr, 2000 gr, 2800 gr

The developer of this extender is DanaMedic LLC. This manufacturer created the first penis extender in the world 20 years ago – Jes Extender, and it is based on this technology that other penis stretching devices work with today.

The company also launched SizeGenetics. Male Edge is the most modern and newest device from DanaMedic. It combines European quality, proven effectiveness, and flawless performance.

How to set up Male Edge device

To adjust the device to the size of your penis and your goals, it is enough to twist the barbells by setting the length, extending the barbells to set the traction force, and putting the front piece in the right direction. It can be installed on one or two sides depending on the size of your penis (up to 5 inches on one side, more than 5 inches on the other).

DanaMedic has ensured the popularity of its device due to the advantages that users value in a penis extender: lightness, ease of use, comfort, and design. In addition, the device has passed all levels of certification and medical examination. The results that Male Edge gives are documented.

My opinion on the pros of the Male Edge extender

  1. I don’t like assembling the extender for use. With Male Edge, there is an advantage – a device assembly. Configured without disassembling – and use.
  2. It was comfortable for me to wear. Honestly, I position both up and down. The lighter the penis enlargement device, the longer you can wear it without discomfort
  3. The device is easy to take off and put on. The settings do not go astray
  4. Even though Male Edge squeaks when you set the length of the rods – it is very reliable and will not break so easily

What I didn’t like in the process of using:

  1. At first, I was annoyed by all these settings. There is no accuracy in the length of the adjustment of the rods as in the case of using aluminum rods
  2. The load levels are such that you cannot precisely set how you feel. Only three is not enough. For the first three weeks, I was at the 1st level, and when I wanted to increase a little, I had a lot of 2000 gr.
  3. There is no intermediate level. Without precise settings, I suffered and felt discomfort
  4. It is not well thought out that the penis can slip out of their device. I noticed this quite often until I used the powder that came with the SizeGenetics package.

Male Edge penis extender results

I used Male Edge for only two months, and I didn’t really like working with it as it seemed uncomfortable. I have been correcting and tweaking it all the time. It was difficult for me to get used to it.

For me, this is now the main sign that the device does not suit me. I’m not going to think about it all the time while using it. I want to put it on and forget it for at least an hour. Plus – I couldn’t use it for more than 45 minutes. I also wanted something else as protection for the penis besides Cohesive Gauze.

Why do you need a extender?

Notice that I did not begin from Frequently Asked Questions. I’ve not described device packages (and there are usually several of them for diverse manufacturers). Also, I’m not about to focus on whether it is safe to use the penis enlargement device or not.

However, if you follow the instructions, I’m about to present and listen to your inner voice, you will be safe and happy! Also, there are many other instructional videos and reviews on setting up a comfortable routine for stretching your penis using a penis extender.

As a user, I want to know how to choose an extender for myself

I have made up my mind, and I’m ready to act to get the desired result. Chances are you’re like me, wanting to enlarge the penis because it is important to you.

Trust me; the result is worth it. I mean, spending nerves trying to master different extenders (at thecost of about $300 per device) is worth the time and money.

You’re guaranteed a great deal on your return on investment: new sex life, a new level of quality of sex, ecstatic screams from your woman as she reaches orgasm, and more!

Let’s cut the chase!

There are 7 simple rules for choosing the proper penis extenders:

  1. Make a list of the best penis enlargement devices or follow mine. (#Avoid any device from China or low-quality climes).
  2. Try to choose a penis extender that fitly adjusts to the size of your penis.
  3. Choose a penis stretcher that has good reviews from real users
  4. Think about what is best for you – to stretch the penis comfortably but for a long time (8-12 months) or quickly, but with some discomfort (4-5 months). In the former, a vacuum-adhesive penis stretching device like Phallosan Forte or Penimaster PRO is suitable. In the latter, a rod penis extender with a silicone loop or rubber strap attachment is okay.
  5. Buy the best penis extender that offers a good level of protection for your penis from infections and side effects. It can be Quick Extender Pro or Penimaster PRO.
  6. Do not buy the cheapest device or package because you are saving up on a tool that should be as reliable, functional, and comfortable as possible. Which doesn’t cost $100
  7. Choose a penis extender that you can use not only at home but also in the car, outdoors, etc..

Quick Extender Pro is a top rated device in my rating. Click here to order it and save 80% using discount code MOPHP.

What interested me?

For one, almost every penis stretcher has several reasons to click the ‘Buy Now’ button. For this reason, I became interested in how they differed.

As it turned out, the presence of additional accessories for comfort and some with springs marked the difference. Somewhere the box is better, and in another, a pump was included. A little here and there made all the difference in the packages.

It was interesting to find out how the top penis extenders differ because they operated with the same penis stretching technology.

Yet, I found crucial differences. Here, I’ve ranked the best penis stretching devices in order of hierarchy for results and comfort. You already know that I hope to help you choose an extender that suits your desires, requirements, and tasks.


To prove penis size and shape, would you dedicate the next few months to take steps that will revolutionize your sexual life? Are you willing to work on your beauty and enlarge your penis without surgery and doctor’s prescriptions? If so, act now and decisively.

Perhaps you’re still unsure of the best penis extender for you; understand that you are not alone. But know that among the top five, there’s one that near perfectly fits your characteristics (penis size) and desires. That’s your best extender! Yet, in truth, it might not be the same with other men.

So, to make progress, decide for yourself. Use the information in this article as beams of light on your path to a straight and extended penis. I hope I’ve been your assistant in this worthy quest.

Just go over the details and descriptions. Your perfect extender is here! Remember to not only enlarge but also straighten your penis (if necessary).

If you need to straighten your penis, then buy separate extender packs for this purpose. Decide, buy, and use a penis extender today; you’ll surely get value for your money!