Home Florida Burnout in Studies: Myth or Reality

Burnout in Studies: Myth or Reality


All people who’ve ever studied in high school or college, devoting themselves to it, will understand what we are talking about. The beginning of a new semester resembles a warm summer that came after the prolonged winter. You feel fresh and are eager to work. But the more you study, attend classes, and do homework, the more you feel that stamina, motivation, and forces are leaving you. This mental state is commonly referred to as burnout and is characterized by many signs, such as apathy, anxiety, boredom, lack of focus, and motivation. You shouldn’t also think that burnout is students’ problem only: thousands of people face this problem at work.

However, today we’ll mainly devote our attention to cases of burnout in educational settings. Numerous articles on the Internet, psychology experts, and ordinary people who state that this mental state is a myth hurt the feelings of people who’ve suffered from burnout. We want to review and destroy the most widespread misconceptions. If you see the first signs of this kind of exhaustion, find a way to get help immediately. Take a day off in college, ask thesishelpers.org dissertation writing help online and start getting rid of this issue.

Here are the myths about burnout in studies people tend to believe, and the ways we bust them.

Myth №1: Burnout occurs at once

It’s impossible to wake up one day and understand that you don’t want to go to college and do everything you’ve practiced before. Burnout isn’t the problem you see suddenly. Quite the opposite, a person notices numerous signs that come before this disorder. Those people who are attentive to themselves and care about own health will quickly notice something goes wrong. However, numerous experts from the Internet continue stating that students get an insight overnight when they are busy with something and don’t even think of studying.

Myth №2: Only lazy people experience burnout

The popularity of this myth depends on the society you’re living in. People from developed countries don’t tend to underestimate mental problems, whereas the societies in developing countries may not take your burnout, depression, or other problems seriously. So, you may hear that students who face exhaustion just don’t want to study, are lazy, and look for an excuse. But burnout doesn’t look like something that can justify laziness. There’s no point in stating that sloth is a factor leading to exhaustion. Students who don’t attend classes and never submit homework can’t face burnout — they don’t work hard to become better and better. Of course, there are no conditions for the onset of burnout.

Myth №3: It doesn’t need to be cured

It’s a big mistake to think that burnout doesn’t belong to diseases and conditions that require medical treatment. But judging by the information from some sources, a college student with burnout should just take a week off or have a short trip. If only it were that easy, we wouldn’t discuss the myths about burnout in studies here. Unfortunately, students can’t improve their health alone during a vacation. It’s necessary to make an appointment with a psychologist and therapist to do a full medical check-up and solve a mental health problem.

Myth №4: Burnout identifies mentally weak individuals

Trying to embarrass or hurt students who have a hard time isn’t the right approach. But there are people who consider it necessary to express their opinion about burnout. Moreover, many students started to say that they are weak and just can’t handle stress other people can. They stuck to this opinion even after facing and coping with burnout: public views are the only reason for it. The myths like that are among the most harmful for students and popular among people: even college professors who seem to know everything about the effects of hard work on the human body consider burnout a sign identifying ‘weak’ students.

Myth №5: Your burnout is only your problem

Of course, there are no reasons to make the state of your mental health public knowledge. However, hiding it from the closest ones is also the biggest mistake you can make. One very harmful mindset lets people think they should care about themselves alone and don’t ask for help. You may be surprised, but one factor that makes students think so is a fear of becoming weak individuals, unaccepted by society. Thousands of people suffering from this mental state are productive and prospective workers, have a strong mind, and never show weaknesses to people. Staying alone with your problems is a bad decision, especially regarding mental health issues like burnout. Who knows, perhaps your friends or relatives have the solution?

How to destroy all burnout myths?

The list of misconceptions you see above is only a summary of all existing opinions and views. It’s difficult even to imagine how many wrong things are rooted in people’s heads. However, we suppose that sharing useful information and knowledge with people is one of the best ways to bust all myths concerning burnout, apathy, and exhaustion. The most valuable resource we have is time.