Home Lifestyle Tips for Lowering Your Electricity Bill this Winter

Tips for Lowering Your Electricity Bill this Winter


Winter can be a wondrous month, with beautiful snow and many holidays that fall globally during the winter months. However, winter does bring its woes, and one of those can be a more costly electricity bill. While summer months can increase the electricity bill with air conditioning also, there are more ways in the summer to reduce the bills, just by spending time outdoors, or running fans and opening windows. Swimming provides relief from the heat also in the summer. In the winter, individuals must be a little more creative to bring down the electricity bills. There is less chance to escape the costs of heating than there are in cooling.

The average costs of heating a property with electricity vary

From country to country and area to area there can be wide fluctuations. Whether commercial or residential the same measurement unit is a kilowatt price. This is reflected on each bill and any consumer can see what the price is no matter what area, by going to the service provider’s website and setting up an account. Knowing what is being paid in the past and what months are the most expensive is a great piece of data on which to base decisions on lowering the electricity bill in winter. Size of property of course matters, as does the kilowatt price of any area in which a property is located.

Some tips that can assist across many geographic areas that will lower the cost

  • Sounds like common sense, but many individuals do not think of this. Simply lower the temperature in any home or business. Businesses can need to follow some standards and check what the standards are in the area in which the business exists. With home properties, the temperature may be set as wished, except in rental properties which will also have guidelines.
  • Lower the temperature by 7 to 10 degrees in a property. This can result in ten percent savings or more. At night it is easier to do this. If a property is already at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, lowering the temperature by 10 degrees makes it incredibly cold.
  • Open all curtains, blinds, and drapes when the sun is shining in as natural sunlight can warm up a room quickly.
  • Fix all caulking and seal any door cracks or drafts that let in the cold air. Prevention of leakage of heat out and cold air is paramount to electricity savings.
  • Add foam insulation in walls, attics, basements, garages that are attached to a home, and even crawlspaces. Foam insulation traps the heat inside as well and does keep the cold out.
  • Make sure that storm doors and windows that block out the cold are installed.
  • While this is not an especially environmentally friendly option, many individuals invest in kerosene, propane, gas, and oil portable heaters. Although electric heaters can keep a property warmer those still use electricity which will not decrease the bills. Caution must be a top priority in any alternative fuel heater though as carbon monoxide poisoning and other hazards such as fire do exist. There is the maintenance of these too.
  • Check out the rates of all electricity providers. Some areas only allow one provider, or a municipality or territory may simply supply their own and charge a property owner. However, most areas by law will allow individuals to choose a provider although the same electricity company will provide the services and billing. It is simply a choice of whom to buy the generated electricity from, not a choice of whom provides the services. An electricity bill can be cut almost in half by choosing an electricity generator which is cheaper. Ranges can be half price those of the most popular generators, so this is a great way to save on the electric bill in the winter. The main provider will also many times help you choose as laws can exist that prevent a monopoly.
  • Call the electricity service that is used, or visit the site, and see if any special plans exist. Plans can be “pay as you go”, which is why the electricity bills are higher in the winter, or there can be “fixed rate” plans where a consumer is charged the same every month even in the summer. The “fixed rate” will cost more in the summer, but consumers know that the bills are also not higher in the winter.
  • Check for any wall cracks outside, or even gaps around sockets inside as these can allow heat out and cold into a property.
  • Unplug unused appliances, and lighting fixtures. Turn off lights whenever leaving a room.
  • Keep an eye on any washer or dryer as these can use a lot of electricity.
  • Turn down the water heater, and wash clothing in cold water. Also do large loads in a dryer so that it is not running continually day in and day out.
  • Insulate any water heaters and pipes that are apparent as heat loss from these causes electric costs to go up.
  • When cooking, use the oven only when needed, and once the food is done, turn it off but leave the door open as the heat will continue to emigrate from the oven for quite a time,
  • Close off all rooms that are not in use. Do not heat spaces in a home or property that others may not ever use.
  • Reset ceiling fans to blow air downward rather than move it upward. A good ceiling fan assists in the summer months but not all in the winter unless the blade is adjustable and can be repositioned.

Remember, winter is temporary as are the electric bills

Winter is called “sweater weather” and just dressing warmly indoors as well as outdoors will make the electric bill drop. Humans are resilient and the body temperatures of everyone alive adjust to heat or cold. Getting used to the cold by not keeping a home or property overly warm is a step in the right direction to reducing electricity bills during the winter months. It is also healthier to live in a slightly cooler environment as less mold and mildew grow, and germs thrive less in the cold than in the warm.