Home Health With Russian Troops on The Ukrainian Border, Is Ukrainian Surrogacy Safe?

With Russian Troops on The Ukrainian Border, Is Ukrainian Surrogacy Safe?


How One International Surrogacy Agency Is Ensuring Ukrainian Surrogacy is Safe, and Remains So

 News over the last weeks has been full of concern and speculation over why the Russians have amassed some 100,000 to 150,000 troops on the border with Ukraine.While the purpose of these troops is not clear, speculation has ranged from using this show of force to gain concessions from NATO to an all-out invasion of Ukraine.

While it might seem like an uncertain time to begin your journey and start a family through Ukrainian surrogacy, one international surrogacy agency in Ukraine has ensured that all will be well.

Why Ukraine is an attractive destination for surrogacy

 Driven by substantially lower costs due to the difference in economies, strong legal protections for biological parents,and some of the finest world class medical facilities and professionals; Ukraine has become a hot spot for surrogacy.

The cost of surrogacy is a fraction of that in the US, and guaranteed live birth programs with unlimited transfers and IVF cycles are available to ensure success.

Surrogacy agencies and clinics working with surrogacy in Ukrainediffer substantially.Delivering Dreams International Surrogacy Agency based in New Jersey, USA, Kyiv and Lviv, Ukraine stands apart as a nontraditional agency offering American financial and legal security and standards at Ukrainian prices. It protects biological parents without any conflict of interest.

How Delivering Dreams International Surrogacy Agency ensures surrogacy in Ukraine is safe now, and will be, no matter what Russian does

Delivering Dreams will be holding aninformation session on this topic Monday January 31 at 7pm Ukrainian time, 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time. To attend, please click here.


  • Independent agency not tied to any clinic or location

Most agencies are owned by clinics. They can only work with that one clinic. This limits them to one physical location. Delivering Dreams works with a multiple select medical facilities, clinics and maternity hospitals throughout Ukraine.

  • Easy relocation of surrogates and medical treatments within Ukraine

 Because of the agency’sunique independence, there is no commitmentor attachment to anyclinic. The goal is always the health and welfare of the surrogates and the children they carry. If there was to be some additional conflict with Russia, Delivering Dreams founder Susan Kibler states. “We would immediately move surrogates to an area of safety under the care of another of our certified medical facilities to ensure their safety and the safety of the biological parents’ children.”

Quality of life and mental state is so important for surrogates during pregnancy to ensure a healthy child, as is moral support and personal assistance when they are tired. When a surrogate moves, that support moves with them so as to minimize any trauma of moving.Usually, that means their family accompanies them. This would be the case should a surrogate need to move to another city and clinic.

This also applies to the relocation of your biological material: sperm, embryos or eggs that are cryopreserved. Many couples ship material to Ukraine so that they don’t have to take the time off from work or face Covid restrictions for traveling. This can also speed up the surrogacy process. Delivering Dreams facilitates shipping from all over the world making this an easy process.

  • Financial and legal security for biological parents – no matter what

With Delivering Dreams International Surrogacy Agency major surrogacy expenses are capped.  If they exceedwhat is in the contract, the agency pays the difference. Therefore, couples are shielded from any additional costs associated with the surrogate pregnancy.There is no additional cost if surrogates need to change doctors, clinics, or even cities for safety.

With contracts in English under US law, couples working with the agency have a secure legal jurisdiction.

Independence brings another advantage. Since Delivering Dreams is not owned by any medical facility, the agency only works for the good of biological parents, their surrogates and children. Safety is the highest concern over all else.

With Russian Troops on The Ukrainian Border, Is Ukrainian Surrogacy Safe.jpg

  • Active in Ukraine since early 90’s = experience and problem solving

With American leadership, Delivering Dreams understands requirements towards the quality of care and security for couples’ surrogates and biological children.

Founder Susan Kibler is not at all new to Ukraine. She has worked in Ukraine since the early 90’s. Delivering Dreams has been creating families for couples internationally through two revolutions, one change of government and Covid. This deep on the ground experience helps get things done right on time and mitigate risks.

  • Extensive clinic screening and approval process with annual reevaluations

 Not just any facilities approved. The medical clinics and maternity hospitals must meet international standards for medical care, equipment, technology, biomaterial handling and facilities. They must meet all ethical and procedural requirements of the best medical facilities in the world. Doctors, embryologists, and fertility specialists must also be premier in their field.

 Even after such a rigorous process, Delivering Dreams International Surrogacy Agency oversees every appointment and visit for surrogates and donors — from day one through all stages of testing till the birth of the child. Only in this way, there is always objective oversight as if the biological parents were actually there. Daily monitoring of surrogates ensures that any potential concerns are addressed early and successfully.

  • Closely connected with local and international organizations and governments

No matter what happens,close relationships with international organizations and governments and those structures in Ukraine areessential to understand and judge an evolving situation. It allows a more profound knowledge of the situation and the best ways to respond.

As of writing the Canadian Embassy in Kyiv and emergency services have assured that no citizens would be abandoned without the help they need. Currently they are operating at full capacity. They have expedited some of their processing so it will take even less time for your exit procedures home.

Even given an absolute worst-case scenario, the Embassy promised that “necessary services would be provided by a Canadian Embassy in another country.” The US Embassy in Kyiv stressed that they “had no crystal ball and could not predict what actions would be taken.” However, they too assured all citizens that they would never be abandoned without their assistance.

  • Surrogates and donors are not from dangerous areas

 No surrogates or donors for surrogacy programs have ever come from any of the contested/occupied areas such as Lugansk and Donetsk. This is also true of Crimea. They must have a safe and stress-free living environment,which is undoubtedly not possible near any area of conflict.

  • Preemptive contingency planning

With experience, independence, smart pre-planning, and flexibility Delivering Dreams ensures that surrogacy in the Ukraine is a safe and successful opportunity for couples that cannot carry a child.

  • What is it like in Ukraine now?

Meanwhile, life throughout the country goes on as if nothing at all is different. Restaurants, cafes and coffee houses are open. Ice skating is popular on the weekends. The mood on the street is normal and unphased. There is no panic or concern. Everyone is going about their lives as always.

“I have already booked flights and am greatly looking forward to my trip.” Says Kibler. She is confident in her safety and the safety of all Delivering Dreams’ surrogates, biological parents, children and can’t wait to meet them in person and share their joy.

As of publishing, the situation is quite fluid. Delivering Dreams will be holding an information session on this topic Monday January 31 at 7pm Ukrainian time, 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time. To attend, please click here.INFORMATION SESSION.